July 2012 | thebereancall.org

July 2012

Because of His absolute holiness, it is impossible for God to do evil, to cause others to do evil or even to entice anyone into evil: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted, neither tempteth he any man..." (...Read more
TBC Today
Muslim scholar urges Western ideas [Excerpts] An Islamic scholar who is trying to reform his religion says it will take a generation of instilling Western ideas before there is any real hope of change in countries like Egypt and Syria. Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a former U.S. Navy commander whose...Read more
TBC Today
'Recovering Catholics' reveal spiritual journeys Kristen Kelly was raised Roman Catholic , attended Catholic elementary school and considered herself a good Catholic , but when she was 21-years-old that changed. “A coworker asked me if I believe in Jesus Christ,” she says. Despite spending her entire life in the Roman...Read more
TBC Today
Outgoing SBC Head Calls on Southern Baptists to Repent of Theological Idolatry [Excerpts] In his last message as SBC president, Bryant Wright denounced the pride that was creeping in as Southern Baptists debate the doctrine of salvation and election. "If we pride ourselves more on being a traditional Southern Baptist...Read more
TBC Today
Deadly Sunday for church in Kenya [Excerpts] NAIROBI, Kenya - Islamic terrorist gunmen killed two policemen guarding a church, snatched their rifles and then opened fire on the congregation with bullets and grenades on [July 1, 2012,] killing at least 10 people and wounding at least 40, security officials said...Read more
TBC Today
The chief danger of the Church today is that it is trying to get on the same side as the world, instead of turning the world upside down. Our Master expects us to accomplish results, even if they bring opposition and conflict. Anything is better than compromise, apathy, and paralysis...Read more
TBC Today
Unbelieving Preachers Get Help to "Come Out" as Open Atheists Jerry DeWitt entered the ministry when he was 17, launching a 25-year career as a Pentecostal preacher. He traveled all around his home state of Louisiana, preaching and ministering wherever he could. All these years later, DeWitt, 42, is still...Read more
TBC Today
Peer-Reviewed Pro-Intelligent Design Article Endorses Irreducible Complexity [Excerpts] In a peer-reviewed paper titled "Evidence of Design in Bird Feathers and Avian Respiration," in International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Leeds University professor Andy McIntosh argues that two systems vital to bird flight--feathers and the avian respiratory system--exhibit "irreducible...Read more
TBC Today
Muslim Landlord Evicts Jerusalem Church [Excerpts] Recently in Jerusalem—a city known for extreme conflict between Jews and Muslims—the Christian community is also taking some heat. According to the Voice of the Martyrs USA, Pastor Steven Khoury of Holy Land Missions has received a 30-day eviction notice from the church's landlord...Read more
TBC Today
The Fourth of July 1776? It didn't mean we'd never fight in a war; in fact, we'd have many battles. We recognize our freedom, as we look up at "Glory" Tears filled our eyes... Tears of sadness, yet tears of joy.... Because of the true meaning of freedom, of independence...Read more
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