August 2012 |

August 2012

Our monthly feature excerpted from Dave Hunt's book of the same title. Beware of Trying to "Force" Yourself to Believe Question: I have struggled with this thing called “faith” all of my life. I want to “believe” in God and the Bible but can’t make myself do it. I keep...Read more
question and answer
PRO-LIFERS PICKET NEA TEACHER CONVENTION Washington, Christian Newswire, 7/5/12: Pro-Lifers Picket NEA Teacher Convention in DC: Soldier On Despite Storm Impact, Heat Wave, Eugenic-Racist and Sexist Remarks [Excerpts] —Pro-Life advocates successfully staged another peaceful picket demonstration outside the National Education Association’s convention in Washington, as scheduled on July 2, despite...Read more
news alert
Dear Mr. McMahon, I appreciate this website and the wealth of information that is provided here. However, with that said, I must state my displeasure with parts of your critique on the book, The Harbinger ….It seems to be a deliberate attack on Mr. Cahn and a backhanded way of...Read more
Excerpts from the book by David James Chapter 1 - “Introduction” Calling America back to God is a valid message and one that needs to be proclaimed. America is clearly in trouble in many ways. Joanathan Cahn rightly points out that “Judgment isn’t ultimately about nations—but people. . . ...Read more
tbc extra
Snail Mail and Sometimes Slug Mail Our apologies to those who received the June newsletter weeks later than usual. It did reach our printer in a timely fashion and was sent on to the United States Postal Service. The mailing went astray shortly thereafter. The actual problem will likely remain...Read more
tbc notes
MILLIONS OF sincere Christians are convincingly deceived every day, and in every conceivable way. Some are deceived by the lie of evolution and seek to erroneously reconcile “ science ” (falsely so-called) with what they believe about God. Others who have trusted (and “tested”) the biblical account of Creation have...Read more
tbc extra
Originally Published October 1991 Critics have long leveled the charge of “divisive” and “negative” against those who would warn the church of unbiblical teachings and practices. I prayerfully consider such accusations, for my heart echoes the same concern. I long just to preach the gospel and to put behind me...Read more
feature article
We purpose to always verify that our newsletter pdfs are in working order before publishing the page on our website. If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download...Read more
