September 2012 |

September 2012

Das Wort Gottes ist Seine perfekte Botschaft an die Menschen. Wenn es verschmäht wird, hat er ihnen nichts mehr zu sagen, bis sie Ihm beim Gericht begegnen. Wo immer dieses Wort verkündet wird, macht es jene, die es hören, so sehr wie nie zuvor verantwortlich. Das Licht leuchtet aus dem...Read more
Jesus Zieht Andere Seiten Auf… Teil 1 T.A. McMahon Wenn wir über den biblischen Jesus schreiben, oder auch nur über Ihn denken, können Probleme auftreten. Eines davon ist der Fokus auf nur eines Seiner Merkmale, wodurch wir Seine vielen anderen aus den Augen verlieren. Dies kann dazu führen, dass wir...Read more
feature article
Petrifying Ages [Excerpts] 1 Corinthians:10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. See All... : "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and...Read more
TBC Today
Christian girls in Pakistan continue to be kidnapped, abducted and forcibly converted to Islam [Excerpts] London: July 30, 2012. (CLAAS) In the recent months there have several reports about the ongoing persecution, kidnapping and abduction of the Christian women and girls in Pakistan. According to the news, a daughter of...Read more
TBC Today
97 per cent of the world to be destroyed tomorrow! [Excerpts] No, not really. It's just my little joke…Sigh. The right thing to do on occasions like this, I find, is to head straight for Watts Up With That? Unlike, say, the BBC, or the Guardian, or the Independent or...Read more
TBC Today
Question: When will The Berean Call newsletter be available in Kindle format? Answer: We don't have plans to make the newsletter available in Kindle format, but your Kindle wil display the pdf version. We've tested this method on a Kindle Fire: On your Kindle, navigate to and find the...Read more
Website - General
When the seventy years of the Babylonish Captivity were nearly over, Daniel, "understanding by books" (the books of the prophet Jeremiah) that they must be well-nigh ended, gave himself to earnest supplication for his people, and about the city and Sanctuary, which, after a life-time of honourable exile, were still...Read more
TBC Today
Life-Sized Noah's Ark Open to the Public A life-sized replica of Noah's Ark is now open to the public in the Netherlands. Dutch millionaire Johan Huibers constructed the ark, following the measurements recorded in the Bible. It is complete with animals (plastic). The ark took four years to build and...Read more
TBC Today
Human DNA Variation Linked to Biblical Event Timeline [Excerpts] Each person is different, and each, except an identical twin, has unique DNA differences. These differences can be traced across global populations and ethnic groups. Furthermore, recent research provides interesting insight about the approximate time that these DNA differences entered the...Read more
TBC Today
The Law of Prosperity [TBC: Ralph Waldo Trine was one of the early influences on the prosperity doctrine taught by E.W. Kenyon and then by today's word faith movement. Prosperity is seen to be the result of a "law of prosperity" which can be tapped by those that understand its...Read more
TBC Today
