November 2012 |

November 2012

Smilingly Leading You to Hell [Excerpts] One of these is unlike the others: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, niceness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. According to Paul’s letter to the church at Galatia, all but one of these is what he refers to as the fruit of the Spirit, which is...Read more
TBC Today
Muslims loving Hitler and Jewish genocide on Facebook [Muslim entry on Facebook: “Back to Album – We want to be like Prophet Mohammad” -- Followed by a prominent picture of Adolph Hitler titled: “Yes man, you were right…Share this picture to tell the truth (to) a whole world.”] Counter-jihadists are...Read more
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Margaret MacDonald Who? I have visited just about every anti-rapture web site on the internet. One common point used on nearly every one of these sites to oppose the pretribulation doctrine is the claim that the rapture theory was started by a Scottish girl named Margaret MacDonald. Many critics of...Read more
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And then we come to another well known person, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was a failure according to all the standards. He never succeeded in organizing a church or denomination. He wasn't able to build a school. He didn't succeed in getting a mission board established. He never had...Read more
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At interfaith meet in Jerusalem, a grim picture of Jewish-Protestant relations [Excerpts] Protestant clergymen painted a largely pessimistic view of the church’s relationship with Israel and the Jewish community during a visit to the Holy Land, suggesting that anti-Semitism is a deep-seated problem based in Christian theology that will be...Read more
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Rick Warren and Joel Osteen acquiesce to Oprah [Excerpts] On October 5th, 2012 Southern Baptist preacher Rick Warren sat down with New Age/New Thought high priestess Oprah Winfrey for an interview. Although Oprah claims to be a Christian she most assuredly is not as [shown in past articles]. Joel Osteen,...Read more
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THOUGHTS ON THANKSGIVING I n 1621, the 53 surviving Pilgrims of the Mayflower company held a Thanksgiving feast. In Of Plymouth Plantation , William Bradford lists the Mayflower passengers and also those who died during the first winter of 1620/1621 and during the spring of 1621. No other ships arrived...Read more
TBC Today
Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain [Excerpts] Stoning for adultery. Amputations for theft. Death for apostates. And second-class status for Christians and Jews. This is life under Sharia law, the Islamic system practiced in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain. Yes, Great Britain. There are reportedly some...Read more
TBC Today
If revival is being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth that, "It is not by might, but by My Spirit." --Jonathan Goforth ( February 10,...Read more
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