April 2014 | thebereancall.org

April 2014

When Bad Isn't Bad [Excerpted from "An “Enlightened” Race?"] [TBC: As we have noted in the past, many in what is called the emerging church embrace new age gurus such as Neale Donald Walsch.] Neale Donald Walsch, in one of his popular Conversations with God books, said God told him...Read more
TBC Today
Ray Yungen is an author, speaker and research analyst who has studied religious movements for nearly thirty years. In fact, some of his earliest research was for Dave Hunt! Ray's love for Jesus Christ and for people and his exuberance for life are reflected in his writing and speaking. His...Read more
Web Content
Does Archaeology Disprove the Bible? [Excerpts] Recently, two researchers from Tel Aviv University made headlines when they claimed that the Bible’s historicity was undermined by, of all things, camel bones. The camel bones in question were discovered in ancient copper mines south of the Dead Sea. After dating the bones...Read more
TBC Today
Una vez más vamos a analizar este tema. Para aquellos quienes están de acuerdo pero a su vez están un poco cansados de mi insistencia por discernimiento en lo que respecta a la llamadas películas "Cristianas," les ofrezco mis disculpas. Pero aún así, aprecio sus oraciones por nuestros hermanos y...Read more
feature article
The nailing of Martin Luther's 95 theses to the Wittenberg door was the catalyst that began the Reformation. Today the church is in even worse condition. Catholicism continues to promote the very evils against which the Reformers fought. Protestantism no longer protests Roman Catholic errors that still lead millions into...Read more
TBC Today
Church leader delivers confused message on resurrection The leader of the liberal Episcopalian Church has issued an Easter message that has respectability, but an expert suggests it is lacking in some respects. Jeff Walton with the Institute on Religion and Democracy follows events in the Anglican Church. He says the...Read more
TBC Today
