July 2014 | thebereancall.org

July 2014

Hamas spokesman encourages Gazans to serve as human shields [Excerpts] Yet even after this open avowal, the Western media, Barack Obama and the United Nations will continue to pretend that Israel is racking up civilian casualties with callous disregard for human life. Their moral myopia is unconscionable. “Hamas Spokesman Encourages...Read more
TBC Today
Iran Jails Three Christian Converts, Seizes Bibles [Excerpts] Iran has arrested three more Christians and sentenced them to prison for spreading the Gospel. “Iranian Christians Mohammad Roghangir, Suroush Saraie and Pastor Matthias Haghnejad were arrested by the security forces at the pastor’s home in Bandar-Anzali,” reports Independent Catholic News. Sources...Read more
TBC Today
In my opinion, the greatest sin in the church of Jesus Christ in this generation is ignorance of the Word of God. Many times I have heard a church officer say, "Well I don't know much about the Bible, but..." and then he gives his opinion, which often actually contradicts...Read more
TBC Today
Ten Lies I Told as a Mormon Missionary [Excerpt] The Bible predicts a dreadful fate for liars. For instance, while banished on the island of Patmos, the Apostle John saw that "all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second...Read more
TBC Today
Pope Francis Meets Evangelical Delegation [Excerpts] Two prominent Fort Worth-based Christian ministers led a delegation of Evangelical Christian leaders to Rome to meet privately with Pope Francis. James and Betty Robison, co-hosts of the Life Today television program, and Kenneth Copeland, co-host of Believer’s Voice of Victory , met the...Read more
TBC Today
Micro Marvels of the Human Eye “Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor...Read more
TBC Today
Trachtet nach dem, was droben ist, nicht nach dem, was auf Erden ist; denn ihr seid gestorben, und euer Leben ist verborgen mit dem Christus in Gott. Wenn der Christus, unser Leben, offenbar werden wird, dann werdet auch ihr mit ihm offenbar werden in Herrlichkeit. – Kolosser 3,2-4 Wenn ich...Read more
feature article
Des Menschen Sünde und die Liebe Gottes sind untrennbare Komponenten des Evangeliums. Beide müssen gepredigt werden. — Barry StagnerRead more
Frage : Was ist Ihre Ansicht zu den „Blut Mond“ Lehren, die wir von John Hagee, Mark Biltz und anderen hören? Stimmt das überhaupt, was sie sagen? Antwort : Wir haben eine Reihe von Bedenken mit dieser populären Ablenkung. Die erste Finsternis der stark propagierten „Blut Mond“ Tetrade – einer...Read more
question and answer
