January 2015 | thebereancall.org

January 2015

Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt Unity for unity's sake has become a major focus in the church today particularly among charismatics. Correction of serious doctrinal error is often rejected under the claim that being united in love is more important than being bibically sound. Yet a...Read more
TBC Quotes
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The final installment in the Caryl Productions series features the hyper-Charismatic and Pentecostal movements represented by a variety of names and leaders. This supposed "new move of the Holy Spirit" coined as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is also known as Third Wave, Manifest Sons of God, Latter Rain, Kingdom...Read more
Website Updates
Own a set of every The Berean Call newsletter, complete with index! The Reprints are available in three formats: binder-ready, on CD-ROM, or as a PDF download. http://thebereancall.com/products/newsletter-reprintsRead more
Website Updates
A somewhat blurry shot of the speakers at TBC's 2011 conference. From left to right in the front row are Carl Kerby of Reasons for Hope Ministries, Dr. Frank Bolles, Dr. Paul Wilkinson, and T. A. McMahon. Also pictured are board member Rob Yardley and vocalist Christie Romine.Read more
TBC Today
