February 2015 | thebereancall.org

February 2015

EWAN MCGREGOR BELIEVES CHRISTIANS WON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PORTRAYAL OF JESUS AND SATAN AS CRITICS PRAISE INTERPRETATION [Excerpts] Ewan McGregor has taken on the role of both Jesus and Satan in Rodrigo Garcia’s Last Days in the Desert . The film focuses on the 40 days and nights that...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt England's John Wycliffe (1329-84) was among the first to take up the cry of submission solely to the Word of God. Articulate, powerful, "the morning star of the Reformation," Wycliffe argued from Scripture that Christ, not the pope, was the true...Read more
TBC Quotes
A beautiful winter photo of TBC founder Dave Hunt with his lovely wife of more than 60 years, Ruth. Both went to be with the Lord in 2013. They are sorely missed, but we rejoice because we know where they are and that we will see them again! "Although the...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt Numerous scriptures make it clear that those who have believed on Christ and received Him as their Savior and Lord have been completely and forever purged of the guilt and eternal consequences of sin—a purging, moreover, that could never be accomplished...Read more
TBC Quotes
Vivimos en tiempos extraños. Cuando me convertí en un creyente nacido de nuevo, hace casi cuatro décadas, después de treinta años como católico Romano, nadie, no, ni siquiera una sola persona me reprendió o me criticó por haber dejado la iglesia de Roma. En esos días era bastante obvio a...Read more
feature article
The Religion of Evolution [Excerpts] People find many different reasons for opposing creationism. Some are simply ignorant of the scientific and biblical points which support the creationist worldview. Very often people really believe that evolution has been proven as fact. But in the end, those who refuse the truth are...Read more
TBC Today
