April 2015 | thebereancall.org

April 2015

ARMY MORALE LOW DESPITE 6-YEAR, $287M OPTIMISM PROGRAM [Excerpts] More than half of some 770,000 soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a six-year, $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt In spite of His infinite power, God’s authority did not prevent Satan from persuading mankind to rebel and go its own way. In that perfect environment Adam and Eve, fresh from God’s creative hand and free from the corrupting influences of...Read more
TBC Today
"EARTH DAY" -- A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE April 22 marks the [45 th ] celebration of “Earth Day”-an effort initiated to increase awareness about environmental issues. The founder of Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson, believes, “The fate of the living planet is the most important issue facing mankind.” In addition, the Earth...Read more
TBC Today
Sabiendo que estamos en lo último de los últimos días y teniendo en cuenta el inminente Rapto como una verdadera esperanza, nuestros pensamientos deberían dirigirse (y deberían hacerlo) a las a las señales que Cristo dijo que anunciarían la cercanía de Su regreso. Las señales que se citan más a...Read more
feature article
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt It would be a libel upon God’s character (as well as a denial of the clear teaching of many Scriptures), to say that He is able, but unwilling, to save all. It is not, however, a slur upon either God’s love...Read more
TBC Today
[The apostle Paul] does not deny that death is a gloomy thing. He does not laugh at it; he does not say, “Oh, it is nothing to die;” he describes death as a monster; he speaks of it as having a sting; he tells us wherein the strength of that...Read more
TBC Today
The popularity and influence of fallacious humanistic theories in the church is robbing today’s Christians of the solid basis of faith that they desperately need. The cross of Christ and our identification with Him in His death is missing from so much of today’s popular evangelism . The cross is...Read more
TBC Today
NEW STUDY CONFIRMS THE IMPORTANCE OF PARENTS IN FOSTERING KIDS' ADULT FAITH For millennials who grew up attending church, having a strong Christian faith and practice today is linked to the quality of their relationship with their parents. That’s a conclusion from a new online survey of young adults between...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt Scripture is very clear that immortality will come both to the living believers and to those who have previously died only at the resurrection, an event that will be initiated by God Himself, not by men who have attained to some...Read more
TBC Today
