May 2016 |

May 2016

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam , Israel , and the Nations” by Dave Hunt In the inevitable attack against her, as prophesied, from all of the world’s armed forces united under Antichrist , Israel will not go down to destruction without using its ultimate weapons. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)...Read more
TBC Today
'Living Fossils' Point to Recent Creation According to Genesis:1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. See All... , “God created great sea...Read more
TBC Today
We purpose to always verify that our newsletter pdfs are in working order before publishing the page on our website. If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download...Read more
What About That Old Sinner and Idolater, Solomon? Question: We are told that “when Solomon was old” he worshiped false gods and goddesses, tried to kill Jeroboam (whom God had chosen as his successor), and did other evils. How then could God have inspired him to write parts of the...Read more
question and answer
A Stupendous Problem William MacDonald God had a problem. Well, not exactly. The great God is too powerful and wise to have problems. He only solves them. But it appears to us that He had a problem in figuring out a plan of salvation for mankind. We are simply using...Read more
tbc extra
New Year’s Resolution Check? It’s going on six months since some of us (maybe many!) resolved to read the Bible every day. So, how’s it going? I hope that it’s going more than well—to the degree that each new day carries the excitement of learning from and growing in God’s...Read more
tbc notes
Bono And Eugene Peterson Team Up On Psalms, 5/5/16, “Singer Bono and Author Eugene Peterson Team Up to Make Film about the Psalms” [Excerpts]: In a new video conversation with Christian scholar and poet Eugene Peterson, U2 frontman Bono said he finds “a lot of dishonesty” in Christian art...Read more
news alert
Dear TBC, Excellent answer on the question of studying Greek and Hebrew [ TBC , 05/20 Q&A]. How many of us had even a small grip on the various tenses and other particulars of these languages when we were first saved? All we knew was that we needed a Saviour...Read more
Question: Where does it specifically say in the Bible that individuals should not have sex before marriage, especially given the biblical examples of men having multiple wives, concubines, etc., going clear back to Abraham and even through King David, a man after God’s own heart? Response: The Bible is quite...Read more
question and answer
Question [edited for length]: I have long been an avid reader of both Mr. Hunt’s books and your website, eagerly looking forward to each month’s issue. I was, however, taken aback by the May newsletter and the article about martial arts—not because I disagree with Mr. McMahon. On the contrary,...Read more
question and answer
