October 2017 | thebereancall.org

October 2017

At the heart of this relationship is a fact so astonishing that most Christians, including those who have known the Lord for many years, seldom live in its full enjoyment. It is not that we do not believe it intellectually, but that we find it too wonderful to accept its...Read more
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We do not need to know Greek and the difference between the types of love (for which Greek has separate words) to realize that the love which Paul goes on to describe in 1 Corinthians 13 is beyond anything mankind usually experiences or expresses. There is a divine quality that...Read more
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On February 27, Chile experienced an 8.8 magnitude earthquake, the fifth-largest recorded quake since seismographs were implemented. Charles Darwin experienced a similar quake in the same area on February 20, 1835. The conclusions he drew then provide an interesting contrast to what is now known about earth’s geologic activity. The...Read more
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God has given mankind marvelous abilities. Think of the great scientists and philosophers who have probed the mysteries of life; and the poets, novelists, and musicians who have expressed the depth of human experience in compelling ways. Nor is it any less marvelous that our imagination can take ideas presented...Read more
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A study published by LifeWay Research has found that small evangelical churches that make a strong effort to evangelize and share the message of Jesus Christ with non-believers retain the most Christian converts. "The phone survey of 1,500 pastors of small churches — evangelical and black Protestant congregations of 250...Read more
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I would rather have thousands to say to me at the judgment, “We heard you preach, and you hurt our feelings,” than to have just one soul to say, “I heard you preach, but you did not tell me the truth” John Thomas Lewis (1876-1967, part of the Restoration Movement...Read more
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In all honesty, however, the longing to be raptured home to heaven imminently does not come easily. There should be a great conflict in the heart of every true Christian. On the one hand there ought to be a genuine longing for Christ to return so that we can see...Read more
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The former Hindu monarchy of Nepal boasts one of the fastest growing Christian populations. Hindu critics claim money and greed are driving the growth, but Christians say the country’s caste system makes Christ’s message of equality especially appealing. Hindu shaman Purna Bahadur Praja told The Guardian that people in the...Read more
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In picturing His Second Coming, Christ told a number of parables involving weddings. Much of the terminology He used was right out of Jewish marriage traditions known to His listeners. In A Christian Love Story , Zola Levitt relates that tradition and explains how beautifully it fits the promises that...Read more
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