November 2017 |

November 2017

The courts themselves have always drawn upon that standard. There is no written rule of conduct to cover every situation that might arise. One of the most famous cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States involved two men and a boy (the only survivors of a ship...Read more
TBC Today
There is no denying the fact that, even though we have never seen it on earth, each of us innately recognizes a perfect standard of absolute justice, truth, and moral purity. Moreover, we have something we call a “con science ” that tells us when we have violated that standard...Read more
TBC Today
Paul Braterman, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow, recently claimed that evolutionists can “slam dunk” creationists by simply confronting them with the evidence for evolution. 1 What evidence is he referring to? Braterman noted that evolution skeptics have sometimes claimed that “evolution is just a theory” and have...Read more
TBC Today
If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
feature article
Dinosaur Algae Alive and Well Today, 9/14/17, “Dinosaur Algae Alive and Well Today” [Excerpts]: Botanists recently discovered Lychnothamnus barbatus, a large form of green algae known from European and Asian freshwater lakes, in North America. Before this discovery, the only hints of this particular water plant in the Americas...Read more
news alert
Our Four-Minute Tract Have you ever thought about handing out a gospel tract? It’s perhaps the simplest way to spread the good news, which all believers have been “commissioned” to do ( Mark:16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every...Read more
tbc notes
Dear TBC, We continue receiving your printed newsletter each month. I am still a little old fashioned in that. I guess it’s like my Bible—it fits best in my hands with pages to turn and the only glow it has is that of the illumination that the Holy Spirit gives,...Read more
Question: I began a study on the “bride of Christ” and am very bothered as to why Christians use the term! Since the primary example of the church is “the body of Christ” can the Lord’s very own body be feminine when He is masculine? To be fair, how could...Read more
question and answer
