March 2018 |

March 2018

'If every eight-year-old in the world is taught meditation, the world will be without violence within one generation,' the Dalai Lama claims. But it appears the respected monk could be wrong. For scientists have revealed the trendy Buddhist practice does not make you more compassionate, less aggressive or prejudiced. Meditation,...Read more
TBC Today
We see from God’s Word that lost sinners are offered forgiveness of all sins (past, present, and future) and eternal life as a free gift of God’s grace by virtue of Christ’s fully accomplished redemptive work upon the cross and His bodily resurrection. To receive these priceless gifts, one need...Read more
TBC Today
As a Muslim, I continued to pray to God to place me on the right path. This was because I still had not discovered a solution to the dilemma which would not leave my mind: “Where will I go after I die?” …After nearly two years of research, of studying...Read more
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The Islamic State has announced a declaration of war on the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. In a newly released video from the Islamic State, the group encourages its followers to attack Hamas. A man accused of working with Hamas’ military wing is also executed in the video. “Never surrender to...Read more
TBC Today
Yet this stubborn denial of our Creator is being seductively presented in many forms to America’s children in the public schools. New Age doctrine, a deadly religion, is being purposefully promoted as “culture” and even “ science ” in the public schools through such programs as America 2000 . As...Read more
TBC Today
Humanists also have their Babel-like, do-it-yourself kit religion. They call it science . It, too, reflects man’s continued rebellion. Modern man hopes to conquer the atom, space, and all disease and thus become immortal master of the universe. The materialist’s “heaven” is a peaceful cosmos populated by highly evolved, space-traveling...Read more
TBC Today
“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them” ( Genesis:2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. See All... ). An article in the New Scientist magazine suggests that the Reformation was a spur to scientific development...Read more
TBC Today
Sadly, for many, faith is a power of the mind and God is merely a placebo that helps one “believe” and thereby activates this mind power. “Prayer is communicating with the deep unconscious…. Your unconscious mind…[has a] power that turns wishes into realities,” said a popular Protestant leader before his...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Pope Francis is a liberal Catholic , and as such, mystics and mysticism “have been fundamental.” As one who pursues mysticism, he has followed the path that leads to universalism. That unbiblical belief system creates a problem for the Pope. On the one hand he speaks of “inhuman violence”...Read more
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