July 2018 | thebereancall.org

July 2018

That “darkest hour” is probably nearer than most of us imagine. There is an old saying that the night seems the darkest just before the dawn. The Bible, on the other hand, cautions us that things will seem the brightest for mankind just before earth’s darkest hour. Unperturbed by events,...Read more
TBC Today
Christians in eastern India were worshipping on April 29 when Hindu extremists attacked and had them arrested on baseless accusations of operating a “conversion racket,” sources said. Three of seven Christians arrested have been in jail since then, and yesterday a judge in Danapur, Bihar state, rejected their plea for...Read more
TBC Today
Where Is God’s Will in Faith and Prayer? Question: I’ve heard a number of preachers on Christian TV say that to ask for something in prayer and then to say, “If it be Your will, Lord,” or “According to Your will, Lord,” will destroy one’s faith. I tend to agree...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
We Are Dealing with the Christians ChristianToday.com, 5/22/18, “‘Don’t worry we are dealing with the Christians’: Algeria’s crackdown on churches” [Excerpts]: Largely dormant for more than 10 years, a law in Algeria which permits the outright persecution of Christians is shaking back into life. But even after 2006, when laws...Read more
news alert
The Mind Invaders …You’re Kidding! No! We’re stunned, we’re delighted, we’re surprised, we’re thrilled, and we’re not kidding. Dave Hunt’s novel The Mind Invaders has been included in the PBS list of “America’s 100 most-loved books brought to you by The Great American Read.” It was a surprise to us...Read more
tbc notes
Backsliding resides in the heart, and these other things are only external aids to the devil. When a man is backslidden in heart, he tends to get a little bit bored. If a glowing, earnest Christian bores you a little; if when you are in a little group drinking coffee...Read more
Dear Brother T. A., I want to express my appreciation for the newsletter that I have received for over 20 years now. I thank you for exposing the many false teachers that permeate our society more now than ever, a true biblical sign of these latter days ( 2 Thessalonians:2:1-3...Read more
Question: A neurosurgeon applied electric currents to the brain’s surface. Probing some areas would trigger whole memory sequences—even a familiar song that sounded so clear the patient thought it was being played in the operating room. So it seems that the memory is physical, yet you say thoughts even about...Read more
question and answer
Question: I read with empathy and agreement your excellent article “Jews, Gentiles, and the Church.” However, one thing you said puzzled me. It was this: “Essential also is an understanding that the church was created through offering to both Jews and Gentiles a ‘new covenant’ relationship with God.” My understanding...Read more
question and answer
First published in June 2005 Israel is the major topic of the Bible. The word “ Israel ” occurs 2,565 times in 2,293 verses. More than enough prophecies have already been fulfilled in Israel ’s unique history to prove that “the God of Israel ” (which He is called 203...Read more
feature article
