October 2018 | thebereancall.org

October 2018

Se ha sugerido que la capacidad única de formar ideas conceptuales y poder expresarlas verbalmente, separa la humanidad de todas las criaturas inferiores, creando un abismo que ningún proceso evolucionario nunca podría abarcar. Aunque eso es cierto, también existe otra capacidad que separa al hombre, incluso más lejos de los...Read more
feature article
If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
If remote viewing simply represents (as most remote viewers today claim) the trained utilization of a normal human capability which we all possess, we are faced with a number of serious conflicts with God’s Word. For one, the Bible presents a class of men called prophets who wrote the Scriptures...Read more
TBC Today
China Aid Founder Rev. Bob Fu – who led a house church in China before immigrating to the United States in 1997 to form his watchdog organization of China’s persecuted Church – warned U.S. Congress of the Chinese government’s aggressive move during a House hearing Thursday, divulging details about the...Read more
TBC Today
The foundation of all religion being laid in our relation to God as our Creator, it was fit that the book of divine revelations which was intended to be the guide, support, and rule, of religion in the world, should begin, as it does, with a plain and full account...Read more
TBC Today
Remote viewers are convinced they can gather information of any kind whatsoever, wherever it is located in space and time—even in the future because time is nonexistent in the nonphysical universe, where the occult operates. Remote viewers deny that they leave their bodies, even though they “see” remote locations. It...Read more
TBC Today
In a rare display of community solidarity, more than 2,500 Jews demonstrated here Sunday against the rising tide of antisemitism in the UK, and in particular their discontent with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Politicians from both the Conservative and Labour parties addressed the crowd, as did the UK’s Chief...Read more
TBC Today

Unter den vielen Dingen, die biblisches Christentum von jedem religiösen System trennen, ragen zwei Wahrheiten als wunderbar bedeutend heraus. Die erste ist, dass unser unendlicher Gott und Schöpfer durch sein Wort – die Bibel – direkt mit uns, Seinen endlichen Geschöpfen, geredet hat. Die zweite ist, dass uns in Seiner...Read more

feature article

Ich selbst hätte nie meine Sündhaftigkeit überwunden. Ich versuchte es und scheiterte. Meine bösen Neigungen waren zu viel für mich, bis ich meine Seele, im Glauben, dass Christus für mich starb, auf Ihn warf. Und dann erhielt ich ein siegreiches Prinzip, durch das ich mein sündiges Ich überwand. Die Lehre...Read more

