February 2019 | thebereancall.org

February 2019

What about Satan as Serpent? Question: I think one of the great evidences against the authenticity of the Bible is its treatment of the serpent. In the Bible, the serpent is the embodiment of evil, whereas ancient myths and religions give exactly the opposite view. The Bible equates the serpent...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Christians Standing in the Way of China CBNNews.com, 12/18/18, “Christians ‘Standing in the Way’ of China’s Xi Jinping’s Totalitarian Rule” [Excerpts]: It was 40 years ago that China opened its doors to the world and launched a series of ambitious reforms that would create one of the world’s largest economic...Read more
news alert
That’s Not My Calling! When I mentioned to my recent guest, Mark Cahill, on Search the Scriptures 24/7 that many Christians are reluctant to witness to the lost, claiming it’s not their “calling,” his response was, “They need to pick up the phone!” Obviously, his point was that witnessing is...Read more
tbc notes
Berean Call Staff, Thank you so much for continuing to provide the truth of God’s Word to a world desperately in need—including those of us who were temporarily deceived. We are now trusting and thank you for the monthly newsletter and all the available material. I’m so pleased to be...Read more
“Spiritual values” is a vague term that no one defines, yet everyone seems pleased with themselves for using it, as though common ground for uniting science and religion has been found and something meaningful has been communicated. In fact, neither is true. “Spiritual values” is another form of “the Emperor’s...Read more
Question: Our pastor preached on Sunday that God crucified Jesus. Does the Bible state this? Response: The Lord Jesus was sent to earth by the will of the Father. In Revelation:13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of...Read more
question and answer
Question: Are the techniques used on people in psychotherapy reliable? [From our archives, July 1986] Response: I can’t begin to answer that thoroughly here. I’d suggest you read Martin and Deidre Bobgan ’s book, The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way and other books by Christians refuting the scientific claims of psychotherapy...Read more
question and answer
Question: The “church” is, and always was, “man’s ways and means”; and that is so easy to see now, with all of the information that is at our fingertips. Originally, “Ecclesia” was not buildings and institutions. Words matter! Why did King James have to bind the translators of the KJV...Read more
question and answer
I’m extremely blessed to have friends who are very knowledgeable about science and whose calling it is to use their knowledge to reach the lost and to help believers stay the biblical course in the spiritual battle between beliefs in creation and evolution. I’m blessed because science is hardly in...Read more
feature article
