September 2019 |

September 2019

Question: I know that false faiths abound, but I don’t find edification in focusing on error! Show me in the Word where false doctrine is explained. It seems to me that the Bible addresses Satan’s lies without going into detail of the actual practices. Response: We at The Berean Call...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’ve been saved for nearly ten years. I’ve gone through four different churches and visited many in between, among different denominations, and I can’t seem to find one that’s suitable. I’m not looking for the perfect church, just something that is biblically sound and where I feel welcome. I’ve...Read more
question and answer
Dave Hunt — First published in April 2005 Atheists argue that according to the “myth” of the Garden of Eden, evil had too innocent a beginning to be the root from which all the wickedness on this earth could possibly have grown. Adam and Eve merely ate some forbidden fruit—an...Read more
feature article
The greatest tragedy of this story is that “Bertha” and her family apparently never really knew the God they thought was giving them “guidance.” There is not a word about Christ in her story. “Bertha” still seems to be under occult bondage, still imagining that MRA could yet change the...Read more
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