October 2019 | thebereancall.org

October 2019

Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world and a top predator on the remote Indonesian islands they inhabit. Their sensory system allows them to detect large prey, such as deer, over seven miles away. Although Komodo dragons are cold-blooded reptiles, they can rapidly increase their metabolism to near-mammalian...Read more
TBC Today
The modern development of holograms has supplied one of the major “scientific” arguments in support of the belief that we are infinite beings possessing infinite powers. A holographic image can hang in the air and be seen from all sides. Primitive ones were used in the Star Wars film series...Read more
TBC Today
Four years after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Japanese empire and its Nazi partner had been relegated to the dustbin of history, and America was rebuilding from the ravages of warfare. Eighteen years after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States was in the...Read more
TBC Today
Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home...Read more
TBC Today
We have referred to visualization, the major occult technique for allegedly creating reality. Phil Jackson learned it in college, and it became a very important part of his “spirituality” as well as a technique which he has taught to the Chicago Bulls team. Yonggi Cho teaches that God created the...Read more
TBC Today
Immanuel Tirkey and about 100 villagers were watching the end of a Christian film in Bihar state, India, when a man stood up in front of the screen and began shouting, “Who is the operator here? Who is the operator here?” Tirkey, one of five Christians who had organized the...Read more
TBC Today
Most of those who teach that we can each create our own reality also theorize a Universal Mind as the source of infinite power and knowledge. Oddly enough, this infinite Mind has no mind of its own but mirrors what we think. Most appealing of all, it does not reprove...Read more
TBC Today

Ursprünglich im September 2008 veröffentlicht

„Denn ich schäme mich des Evangeliums von Christus nicht; denn es ist Gottes Kraft zur Errettung für jeden, der glaubt, zuerst für den Juden, dann auch für den Griechen“
– Römer 1,16

Alle Arten von Christen haben aus vielen Gründen am „Evangelium von Christus“...Read more

feature article

Geduld ist mehr als Ausdauer. Das Leben des Heiligen steht in Gottes Hand, wie Pfeil und Bogen in der Hand des Bogenschützen. Gott zielt auf etwas, das der Heilige nicht sehen kann und Er spannt und belastet und hin und wieder sagt der Heilige, „ich kann nicht mehr!“. Gott hört...Read more


Frage: Wann wurden die Engel erschaffen? 1 Mose 2,1 gibt wohl an, sie wurden in der Schöpfungswoche erschaffen. Manche meinen jedoch, sie waren bereits erschaffen. Gibt uns die Schrift eine genauere Antwort?

Antwort: Es stimmt, der Herr schuf „alle Dinge“. Engel existierten nicht immer. Ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt existierten sie...Read more

question and answer
