January 2020 | thebereancall.org

January 2020

If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
Under Constantine, pagan practices were given a Christian veneer and adapted by the Church to satisfy the multitudes joining its ranks. Pope Leo I (440–461) boasted that St. Peter and St. Paul had “replaced Romulus and Remus as [Rome’s] protecting patrons.” Will Durant writes: “Paganism survived [within the church] …...Read more
TBC Today
According to the persecution watchdog International Christian Concern, the group was separated from their Muslim friends before being instructed to pay homage to the Prophet Muhammad by reciting the “Shahada.” When they refused, they were summarily executed. “A passenger bus belonging to Medina Bus Company, traveling between Wajir and Mandera...Read more
TBC Today
The author writes, “What I see here is God as Mother, receiving back into her womb the one whom she has made in her own image.” [1] The author claims the return to “God’s womb” is the “deeper meaning” to the story of the prodigal son. [2] God as Mother?...Read more
Front Page
In Constantine’s day, the emperor, as the head of the pagan priesthood in Rome known as the Pontifical College (now headed by the Pope), was called Pontifex Maximus. Constantine headed the church, as would the emperors after him for five centuries. He called himself Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ). Yet...Read more
TBC Today
The author writes, “What I see here is God as Mother, receiving back into her womb the one whom she has made in her own image.” [1] The author claims the return to “God’s womb” is the “deeper meaning” to the story of the prodigal son. [2] God as Mother?...Read more
TBC Today
Education only is not sufficient to make men virtuous; neither intellectual nor moral philosophy is enough for it. I never knew any persons become virtuous by studying the philosophy of Plato or books of Confucius. But on the other hand there is a power in the Christian religion to make...Read more
TBC Today
By A.D. 380 (43 years after Constantine’s death) Christianity had been made the official religion of the empire. Paganism as a separate religion was outlawed—a futile gesture, since it had already been absorbed into the church. Eventually, failure to give allegiance to the Pope was considered treason against the state,...Read more
TBC Today
