August 2020 |

August 2020

Important Conference Update After much prayer and discussion, we have decided to hold the TBC Conference only “online” this year. Restrictions in Oregon have just tightened again, and it is very doubtful that things will get better in the next month. Other than the basic limits of how many people...Read more
tbc notes
Dear T. A. McMahon and Staff, Greetings to you in the Most Holy Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for reaching out to all throughout the years, with your monthly blessings and praises. Thank you for sharing the essence of our Creator, which is love, by...Read more
Question: Your reluctance to sanction or engage in “Bible-based activism” is baffling to me. Wasn’t Paul one of the greatest social activists of all time? And besides, wasn’t the cultural setting of the Bible much different from that of the modern age, with a different kind of government altogether and...Read more
question and answer
Question: I know that false faiths abound, but I don’t find edification in focusing on error. Show me in the Word where false doctrine is explained. It seems to me that the Bible addresses Satan’s lies without going into detail of the actual practices. Response: We at TBC take no...Read more
question and answer
Question: Various people have spoken of a “Christian takeover of the United States and the world” as involving a “paradigm shift.” Could you comment on this? Response: A “Christian takeover of the world” is neither taught nor hinted at anywhere in the Bible. Jesus certainly didn’t teach or engage in...Read more
question and answer
(Excerpted from America, The Sorcerer’s New Apprentice: The Rise of New Age Shamanism) Even the most enthusiastic promoters of the consciousness revolution admit that there are bad trips. It takes only one disaster—and there have been thousands—to contradict the basic New Age teaching that we’re tapping into a benevolent and...Read more
feature article
Even though he has been discredited, two of Freud’s theories remain as the major underpinnings of most psychology and psychotherapy: the unconscious and psychic determinism. Freud claimed to have discovered that human behavior is driven by urges arising out of childhood traumas and which lie hidden in a region called...Read more
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