October 2020 | thebereancall.org

October 2020

Peale’s chief disciple, Robert Schuller, became a major factor in bringing acceptability to this and many other of Peale’s destructive beliefs among evangelicals. In reporting upon his attendance at the World Psychiatric Congress in Madrid in 1967, Schuller gave the impression that psychology and psychiatry were right in line with...Read more
TBC Today
The famous social justice maxim, “Go into the world and preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words,” reveals our woeful ignorance of the biblically prescribed act of preaching Christ, which is indispensible to both evangelism and discipleship. Missiologist and professor, David Hesselgrave’s (1924-2018) definition of the mission of the...Read more
TBC Today
Hastened by preventative measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic, large biannual assemblies held by the Presbyterian Church (USA) – and perhaps by other mainline denominations that have leaned leftward over the years – may quickly become a thing of the past as their church membership continues to decline sharply. Even...Read more
TBC Today
It was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33 rd degree Mason who called the virgin birth of Christ “some theological idea,” who pioneered the integration of theology and psychology which became “Christian” psychology . In 1937, “Peale established a one-psychiatrist clinic at his church [which] grew to more than a score...Read more
TBC Today
Tom : Welcome to Apostasy Update . I’m T. A. McMahon, and in this program we are addressing biblical eschatology, what the Bible has to say prophetically about the last days prior to the return of Jesus Christ. My partner in this discussion is Carl Teichrib. He’s the author of...Read more
Apostasy Update
A George Fox University ad is headlined “Our Psychological Doctorate Comes With Something Special. A Christian Worldview.” A Fuller Theological Seminary brochure boasts, “As a profession, Christian psychologist isn’t just new. It’s Fuller…. Fuller’s School of Psychology has it all…from an M.S. in Marital and Family Therapy to a Ph.D...Read more
TBC Today
This is number 26 in our series of “Get Biblical Understanding.” In this session we’re reading many but certainly not all of the biblical verses that have to do with Prayer. The Apostle Paul urges us to pray with these words, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
There is no doubt that the Enneagram is taking much of the Christian church by storm. There are currently over 15 titles being sold by “Christian” publishers with more on the way, selling in the hundreds of thousands of copies. It is being used as a 9-week sermon series in...Read more
TBC Today
Psychology comes out of the occult, is not scientific, and many of its leading professionals admit that it is destructive. The same legitimate criticisms that can be leveled against secular psychology apply equally to so-called “Christian” psychology . Yet is has invaded the best pulpits and is a large part...Read more
TBC Today
Scenes of Palestinians burning and trampling flags of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and pictures of its de facto ruler , Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed, have sparked a wave of protests in a number of Arab countries. Their citizens are accusing the Palestinians of ingratitude, treason and hypocrisy. The...Read more
TBC Today
