November 2020 |

November 2020

Dear TBC, We are surely living in crazy times—the pandemic, the riots, the protesting. Like so many others, I’ve been saying that the world is falling to pieces. Then I heard someone say that the world isn’t falling to pieces—the pieces are just falling into place. So many have been...Read more
Question: I read some time ago that the Vatican justified expenditures for its telescope by saying it would all be worth it “if just a single alien is converted.” You seemed to imply disapproval of that idea. Why? Shouldn’t the gospel be given to extraterrestrials if they are encountered? Response:...Read more
question and answer
Question: Do you ever worry that you’ve become a legalist, constantly holding others to the letter of the law as you see it? Response: I understand what you mean about legalism. The letter kills, while the Spirit gives life. One can be as clear as crystal on doctrine and just...Read more
TBC Today
Question: Jesus said, “I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven…if two of you shall agree on anything it shall be given you….” Why can’t we make this work today? Response: The Catholic Church...Read more
question and answer
In Part 1 we looked at what the Scriptures tell us will take place in the end times just prior to and including the return of Jesus Christ. Our focus was primarily on the world—that is, those who have rejected biblical Christianity, Jesus Christ, and the way of salvation that...Read more
feature article
Psychology is man’s futile attempt to understand himself, and to adjust his behavior. Christian psychology has brought this wisdom of the world, which is foolishness with God ( 1 Corinthians:1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish...Read more
TBC Today
