February 2021 | thebereancall.org

February 2021

Question: In one of your newsletters you said that before man was created, Satan had already rebelled and taken countless angels with him. You stated, “A rebellion led by Lucifer eons ago had taken place….” It sounds like you hold to some form of the “gap theory.” Creation had a...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’m confused about the “security of the believer.” To me, it sounds like “once saved, always saved,” which doesn’t fit in with my understanding that believers can lose their salvation by turning their backs on God. Response: The doctrine of “ Eternal Security ” engenders no end of strife...Read more
question and answer
We often hear from people who are suffering from various ailments and they don’t understand why they are being made to endure them. I don’t know the particular reason why Jesus doesn’t heal a person who is ill and who asks Him for healing. There are many conditions of suffering...Read more
feature article
The local government in south-central Konya, Turkey, announced this week that it would turn a fully renovated 19th-century Armenian church into a “humor art house” after barring worshippers from using the church for years, multiple reports revealed Thursday. Under Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish government has aggressively targeted...Read more
TBC Today
Richard Foster advocates the visualization of Jesus, as do David Seamands, H. Norman Wright, and other Christian psychologists. Christians are badly deceived when they imagine that Christ will forsake the Father’s right hand to appear to them when they visualize Him. Instead of admitting the occult practices within Christian psychology...Read more
TBC Today
