April 2021 | thebereancall.org

April 2021

Unser monatlicher Artikel aus Dave Hunts Buch mit demselben Titel. Biblische Antworten auf herausfordernde Fragen

Frage: Ich finde es sehr naiv und widerwärtig, dass Christen behaupten, das Christentum sei die einzige, wahre Religion. Nehmen wir nicht alle verschiedene Weg zum gleichen Ziel?

Antwort: Wie die meisten Leute sehen Sie anscheinend...Read more

question and answer

Die Regierung tritt wieder Anti-Israel Agentur bei

OneNewsNow.com 8.2.21, Die Biden Regierung tritt wieder anti-Israel UN Agentur bei [Auszüge]: Die Vereinigten Staaten kündigten am 8. Februar an, sie würden wieder bei der UN Menschenrechtskommission mitmachen, aus der sich der frühere Präsident Donald Trump vor beinahe 3 Jahren zurückzog…...Read more

news alert

Lieber Berean Call,

Ich wurde zu einem Mann in den USA gezogen, der mich um den Besuch seiner Webseite bat, die angeblich das wahre Wort Gottes sei, aber was ich sah, war das Gegenteil! In den Gemeinden in den USA werden viele, komplett falsche Dinge gelehrt. Am besten haben wir...Read more


Was empfiehlt die Bibel?

Nichts! Sie ist kein Vorschlagsbuch noch macht sie Andeutungen. Doch zu oft tun wir so, als ob das so wäre. Nein. Die Bibel ist das Buch von Gottes Wahrheit: „Heilige sie durch die Wahrheit: dein Wort ist Wahrheit“ (Johannes 17,17). Wie jemand sagte, „Gott gab Moses...Read more

tbc notes
“The science is settled” is a phrase often used to shut down debate. But perhaps the phrase would be more accurate if it was recast as “the theology is settled,” especially in relation to climate change, in which environmentalists pursue an aggressive response to remedying the apocalyptic consequences facing the...Read more
TBC Today
Bill Bright speaks and writes with enthusiasm that we are about to experience the “greatest revival in the history of the church.” Pat Robertson agrees, referring to “the most extraordinary time of revival mankind has ever known.” Others describe it similarly. Unfortunately, what they praise is characterized by a neglect...Read more
TBC Today
Many false prophets will arise and will deceive many. Christ is not describing something small. The false revival will be worldwide. In fact, such a movement is here and it is growing with the support of those who ought to know better.Read more
TBC Today
Tom: We’re going through Dave Hunt’s book Countdown to the Second Coming , and we’re returning to chapter 3 after a—oh—four-to-five-week digression. Actually, it was a survey of key events found in the Scriptures from Genesis through Revelation, and our hope was that we’d give people an opportunity to hear...Read more
Countdown to the Second Coming
COLOSSIANS 4:11 And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. These only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of God, which have been a comfort unto me. 1 THESSALONIANS 2:11-12 As ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
Question: I find it very naïve and objectionable that Christians claim that Christianity is the only true religion. Aren’t we all taking different roads to get to the same place? Response: Like most people, you apparently consider the popular notion that “we’re all taking different roads to get to the...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
