July 2021 | thebereancall.org

July 2021

Last December, Baptist Press Global published American Gospel: Christ Crucified is stuck in a time warp by Rick Pidcock . While Pidcock comes across as a likeable sort , we have to wonder why he desires to be considered a Christian? Even as he describes the faith, he holds to...Read more
TBC Today
What blasphemy to claim God’s leading for their occult charade! The red candle was to be returned to Oral and the green candle was to be kept for lighting on Christmas Eve, when Oral and his son Richard would light the red ones they had received. Of course, there was...Read more
TBC Today
JOHN 13:4-12 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. Then cometh he to Simon Peter:...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
We assume the need to cross language and cultural barriers when speaking about missions. The reason for this is that our church prioritizes sending our missionaries to unreached and unengaged people groups—those groups who have never heard the name of Jesus, there are no churches in their villages, and potentially...Read more
TBC Today
On January 4th 2021 the US Central Intelligence Agency declassified thousands of documents on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and posted them online. These mostly contain documents “reporting UFO sightings in the foreign press and memos about how the Agency handled public inquiries about UFO sightings.” This provides compelling evidence of...Read more
TBC Today
Some of Oral’s ingenious money-raising gimmicks involve outright occultism. For example, he mailed two tiny “miracle candles,” one red and one green, to his “prayer partners” to be used in a “miracle candlelight service.” The instructions provided along with the candles read in part: “Your miracle candlelight service is set...Read more
TBC Today
Oral Roberts is continually dreaming up new schemes for raising money from his prayer partners, many of whom live on low incomes and sacrifice to support his lavish lifestyle. In one appeal, Oral asked “more than a million regular contributors for $500 each to stop a ‘satanic conspiracy….’ ‘I am...Read more
TBC Today
More about Salvation : https://www.thebereancall.org/topic/salvation Free eBook: https://davehunt.org Download our app: https://www.thebereancall.org/app Follow us on Social Media: https://www.thebereancall.org/social The Bible clearly states that a great Apostasy must occur before Christ's second coming. Today, Christians are being deceived by a worldview more subtle and seductive than any before. What are the...Read more
The Seduction of Christianity
Was a Virgin Birth Essential? Question: The virgin birth of Jesus is presented as one of the cornerstones of Christianity for both Catholics and Christians. I don’t see why this is essential. My pastor says the Bible doesn’t even teach it. The Hebrew world alma , translated virgin in most...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
United Methodist Drag Queen Candidate ReligionNews.com, 4/15/21, “First drag queen certified as a candidate for United Methodist ministry ‘speaking in a new way to new people’” [Excerpts]: A few things were different about Sunday’s virtual service at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois. For one, there were a few...Read more
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