August 2021 |

August 2021

More about our annual Conference: Watch the Conference Live or Later: Youtube: Rumble: Roku: In our app: In our conference podcasts: Videos will also be posted on these platforms: Bitchute: Brighteon: Gab: Odysee: Vimeo: Join us on Social Media:...Read more
Traditional church buildings are emptying at an accelerated rate in recent years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic erupted. Yet that same pandemic has seemingly caused an explosion of worshippers at the church of science . Science is the new religion, a false god to whom we must pay homage, following...Read more
TBC Today
What grief such departures from the sound doctrine of God’s grace must cause the One who said, “The truth shall make you free” ( John:8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. See All... ). And what bondage many in the church have embraced...Read more
TBC Today
More episodes: More about the Bible: Free eBook: Download our app: 1 TIMOTHY 4:6 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
The course thus taken in Scripture is a bold one. In assuming the possession of knowledge so entirely superhuman, the Bible necessarily exposes itself to the perpetual danger of being demonstrated to be erroneous in its predictions, and consequently false in its pretensions. A definite program published at the beginning...Read more
TBC Today
Social media platforms are engaged in massive censorship of matters related to alleged election fraud, doubts about medicine, vaccination, anything from former President Donald J. Trump, criticism of Black Lives Matter, doubts about transgender activities, climate change, hate speech and other supposedly politically incorrect tweets and posts. At the same...Read more
TBC Today
The thesis of Quenching was previously presented by de Arteaga in Past Life Visions (1983): “The Holy Spirit will flow into occult groups if it [sic] is blocked out by Orthodox Christians” (page 17). He lauds Agnes Sanford’s incredibly heretical The Healing Light (page 132); defends her belief in a...Read more
TBC Today
From this misunderstanding of quantum physics, de Arteaga reasons that “by faith the mind acts in the power of God and can move mountains.” God’s power is seen as a force which our minds operate when we obey “spiritual laws.” This principle, he says, was opened by “the Logos” to...Read more
TBC Today
This is from our 2021 Conference.Read more

Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Wenn jemand mich liebt, so wird er mein Wort halten, und mein Vater wird ihn lieben, und wir werden zu ihm kommen und Wohnung bei ihm machen. – Johannes 14,23

Ziel dieser zweiteiligen Reihe ist, die entscheidende Notwenigkeit zu betonen, die Grundlagen biblischen Christentums...Read more

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