December 2021 |

December 2021

Concerning utilitarianism [if it works, it’s okay], Pastor J. Gresham Machen wrote: This temper of mind is hostile to precise definitions. Indeed nothing makes a man more unpopular in the controversies of the present day than an insistence upon definition of terms. . . . Men discourse very eloquently today...Read more
TBC Today
In American colleges and universities today, marginalization is privilege and victimhood is power, so it should come as no surprise that a study conducted by – of course! – two researchers at the University of California, Berkeley has discovered that women are being oppressed not by the systemic and institutionalized...Read more
TBC Today
Presumably, Kilpatrick’s “fresh mantle” is related to other revival terms such as a “fresh visitation of the Spirit” and a “fresh anointing.” If the believer is indwelt by Christ ( Romans:8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because...Read more
TBC Today
Legitimate questions come to mind. First of all, there are a number of expressions which have no biblical basis (in fact they contradict biblical teaching) but are associated with the idea of revival and are accepted without question. For example, Brownsville Assembly of God pastor John Kilpatrick declares with great...Read more
TBC Today
Shark species that can hurtle through the ocean at high speed—up to 80 km per hour (50 mph)1 —have a number of special features that allow them to do that, e.g., the tiny scales on the surface of their skin. Each scale is just 0.2 mm (0.008 inch) long and...Read more
TBC Today
“Revival” sounds so biblical, so spiritual, and is the most sought-after goal among Christians in our time. Everyone remembers the great revivals in history: under Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards, Finney, Moody, and others. Surely it must be right to desire another such “visitation of the Holy Spirit.” Isn’t that every godly...Read more
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More about End Times : More about Catholicism : catholicism Free eBook: In Revelation 17, the Apostle John describes in great detail the characteristics of a false church that will be the partner of the Antichrist . Was he describing the Roman Catholic Church? To answer that...Read more
A Woman Rides the Beast
We millennial products of US public education will almost universally recall a 1990s fixture of elementary school science classes, Bill Nye “the Science Guy.” Back in 1996, when he hosted a children’s science education program — in an era when terms like “transphobia” had yet to be invented — Bill...Read more
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Wir haben diese Antwort von der Organisation erhalten, die die Fernsehserie The Chosen (TC) produziert hat, und im Folgenden finden Sie unsere Antwort (TBC) auf die Beschwerden der Organisation.

TC: Wir haben nichts gegen Kritik, aber wir erwarten, dass sie korrekt ist, insbesondere wenn sie von Organisationen kommt, die sich...Read more

feature article
The life of faith does not follow automatically when a person becomes a Christian. It requires deliberate action on his part. This is especially true in affluent society. The believer must put himself in a position where he is compelled to trust God...It is only as he gets rid of...Read more
TBC Today
