November 2022 |

November 2022

Jesus vergoss Tränen

Johannes 11,35 ist ein ziemlich verwirrender Vers. Zusammen mit 1 Thessalonicher 5,16 („Freut euch allezeit.“) ist er der kürzeste Vers der Bibel. Warum vergoss Jesus Tränen? Er wusste sicherlich, dass er Lazarus von den Toten auferwecken würde. Dieser Vers hat sich in letzter Zeit in mein Herz...Read more

tbc notes
[Comments concerning the headline: "Scientists create matter from nothing in groundbreaking experiment”] It is an interesting claim indeed. As I read his article, I noticed that [writer] Joshua Hawkins seems to have missed all of the important points he recorded, which actually expose the title as being false. First, Josh...Read more
TBC Today
Twenty Congolese Christians were killed and several others kidnapped after the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) struck the village of Kainama, Beni territory in Nord Kivu on the night of October 4th. The bishop of the Beni Anglican Diocese confirmed the attack, terming it “a devastating occurrence that continues to bleed...Read more
TBC Today
We have pointed out some of those differences in meaning, differences so great that to this day the highest authority of the Roman Catholic Church retains more than 100 anathemas pronounced upon those holding evangelical beliefs. In summary, some of the anathemas we have previously quoted apply as follows to:...Read more
TBC Today
For example, both Catholics and evangelicals use the term “born again,” but their meanings are diametrically opposed. The Catholic is “born again” when baptized as an infant; the evangelical, through personal faith in Christ. Thus to say that they both believe in being born again is misleading. Both agree that...Read more
TBC Today
The Mormons are conditioning Christians to accept the Mormon Counterfeit Jesus. The Mormons want nothing more than to be accepted as mainstream Christians. They are not. They are a dangerous counterfeit of Christianity, the true biblical Jesus and his gospel. Sadly, those who do not know their Bibles are being...Read more
TBC Today
A nun who boasted about “curtailing” the activities of the campus pro-life group has the school’s “full support,” according to the university president. Viterbo University President Rick Trietley told The College Fix via an emailed statement that “Sister Laura Nettles is an accomplished Catholic theologian who embraces Catholic teachings, including...Read more
TBC Today
Psychology has taught the world and the church to use language that is positive and inoffensive. In the desire for unity, be it political or religious, words are chosen (such as Colson and Bright used in their Templeton Prize acceptance speeches) which are acceptable to anyone because each person can...Read more
TBC Today
The island nation of New Zealand—a country with twice as many cows and five times as many sheep as people—has proposed a new tax directed at the “greenhouse gases” that farm animals produce, such as methane gas from cows and sheep burping and nitrous oxide from their urine. This tax...Read more
TBC Today
Answered Prayer Question: I have been a Christian for many years and have attended hundreds, perhaps thousands of prayer meetings. I have heard many earnest prayers for good purposes but rarely have I seen an answer. This is rather shattering to my faith. Why are so few prayers answered? Response:...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
