March 2023 |

March 2023

Originally published February 1, 2001 One of the most common expressions one hears in Christian circles, especially for reassurance when things aren’t going well, is that “God is in control, He’s still on the throne.” Christians comfort themselves with these words—but what do they mean? Was God not “in control”...Read more
feature article
These are tough days for the "Supreme Guide" of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. For the first time in more than three decades, he seems unable to do a Houdini number by getting out of a tight spot that events and his own mistakes have placed him in. For...Read more
TBC Today
As for “physically launching Mars missions from the moon, [that] would require an industrial aerospace infrastructure on the moon that would take decades or even centuries to develop. ‘Sometime in (the) next 100 years we may have the construction base on the moon to do this,’ said Lawrence Krauss, Case...Read more
TBC Today
LO QUE UN DIOS SOBERANO NO PUEDE HACER Marzo 2023 (publicado originalmente en Febrero 2001) Dave Hunt Una de las expresiones más comunes que uno escucha en los círculos cristianos, especialmente para tranquilizarse cuando las cosas no van bien, es que "Dios está en control, todavía está en el trono"...Read more
feature article
