September 2023 |

September 2023

It is clear that our species’ understanding of right and wrong did not come through natural selection because Darwinism can deal only with the physical world. Although the exhaustive instruction manual in the DNA is written in words, its instructions only involve the physical, not the realm of the mental...Read more
TBC Today
What in the world is happening? The answer may shock you. A drama so intense that the entire universe will feel its power is unfolding—yet at the same time, the prospects for world peace and safety have never seemed brighter. Could this be the peace that leads to the end...Read more
Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist
Deep in Siberian permafrost lurk microscopic roundworms frozen in time, just waiting for a thaw so they can emerge to infect a host and continue their life cycle. These parasitic creatures are known as nematodes, and they have the ability to “freeze” (reduce their metabolic rate to extremely low levels)...Read more
TBC Today
Natural selection did not create this common con science . Here we come back to a major problem for the evolutionist atheist: there is no place in the philosophy of materialism for morals or even ideas. Atheists like to pretend that God is not needed and have desperately tried to...Read more
TBC Today
If you ever wondered how Jonah felt while he was trapped inside the whale’s stomach for three days, why Solomon had so many wives or why Judas betrayed Jesus, a new app called Text with Jesus is your chance to ask for yourself. Launched in July, Text with Jesus is...Read more
TBC Today
There's a slippery slope in regard to authority. If you say that the history in Genesis is not true, then you can just take man's ideas as true. When you go outside of Scripture, why shouldn't you just reinterpret what marriage means? So our emphasis is on the slippery slope...Read more
TBC Today
The challenge is not as clever as Hitchens imagines it to be. It is hardly worthy of the intellect he usually displays. In fact, it’s rather naïve, for it actually supports theism instead of refuting it, in that it presupposes an innate moral and ethical value system. If all mankind...Read more
TBC Today
More episodes: More about the Bible: Free eBook: Download our app: 1 CHRONICLES 28:20 And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee;...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
While more and more in the church are embracing occultism, mysticism, and New Age, as witchcraft becomes a multibillion-dollar business, practitioners’ connection to the natural world is changing, reveals a surge in another religion and its financial fruit: “Witchcraft has also become a multibillion-dollar business. As a sociologist who has...Read more
TBC Today
The Hitchens’ “Challenge”? Christopher Hitchens has issued a challenge, now widely publicized, which he says no one has been able to answer. It goes like this: “Name me an ethical statement made or an action performed by a believer that could not have been made or performed by a non-believer.”...Read more
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