October 2023 | thebereancall.org

October 2023

Even if the above were a true statement, it tells us nothing about the origin of life, what life is, or its meaning. Hundreds of scientists disagree with evolution and are signing up on an internet site, in a list that daily grows, to express their opposition to this unscientific...Read more
TBC Today
It isn't only Christians or even those whose moral compass was pointed toward Christian morality, but is there a New take on culture wars? American Muslims clash with the Sexual Revolution?: "Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't be controversial for Islamic leaders to affirm that their faith teaches absolute, unchanging truths...Read more
TBC Today
Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him. The entire Romans series...Read more
According to God's Word
Having been converted to atheism through Darwinism, Dawkins attempts to promote and defend this theory at every turn. He is not one from whom we would solicit an unbiased scientific opinion about whether evolution is true and has been proved as a fact. Rare would be any evolutionist who would...Read more
TBC Today
As every perceptive reader had known from the time of its publication, Darwin’s first book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, far from living up to the promise in its name, did not offer an...Read more
TBC Today
Our ministry supports the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. However, some opponents of biblical (‘young earth’) creation also claim to believe in the authority of Scripture, but claim that Genesis 1–11 is poetry or allegory. Others rebuke us by claiming, “Genesis is not a scientific textbook”...Read more
TBC Today
The deeply corrupt, highly politicized United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will vote later this week on declaring Jericho, an ancient Jewish city, a "World Heritage Site in Palestine.” UNESCO is convening in Saudi Arabia from September 10-25 for its 45th session and to vote on new sites...Read more
TBC Today
He was badly mistaken. In fact, neither Darwinism nor any branch of science can explain life, its origin, or its meaning, and Darwinism doesn’t even make a serious attempt to do so, but the teenage Dawkins thought it had. We can excuse him for such naivete then. For making such...Read more
TBC Today
I was chatting with a waiter the other day, and he gave me an interesting answer to a question I asked him. I usually say to waiters at some point toward the end of my meal, “Three questions for you.” They typically respond by saying “fire away” or “go for...Read more
TBC Today
