December 2023 |

December 2023

TBC: *Dieser Abschnitt soll lediglich zeigen, welche Art von Feedback wir erhalten. Einige davon werden wir privat beantworten, unabhängig davon, ob wir mit ihren Ansichten einverstanden sind oder nicht.

Liebes TBC,

(Zu Ihrem Video Is It Okay to Paraphrase the Bible, siehe: ) Paraphrasierungen oder Umschreibungen sind völlig...Read more


Eine Notiz von William MacDonald

Hier ist ein Auszug aus Bills Believer's Bible Kommentar zu Hebräer 5,12-14:

„Der Schreiber erinnert die Hebräer daran, dass sie nun lange genug unterrichtet worden waren, um in der Lage zu sein, auch andere zu unterrichten. Aber die Tragödie war, dass sie immer noch jemanden...Read more

tbc notes
Obviously, if a scientist believes that his “creator” is blind, everything he discovers will tend to verify this, and it will become the foundation of the “ science ” for which he will then seek evidence. The worldview of the founders of modern science was basically the opposite of the...Read more
TBC Today
Purchase the book: Free eBook: More about Israel : A discreet cough from the waiter caught Ari’s attention. He approached their table, pencil and pad ready, and stood beside Ari in the distinctive dress of the garçons in this section of Paris: black bow tie and white...Read more
Sanctuary of the Chosen
Purchase the book: Free eBook: More about Israel : “You’re so quiet, Ari. Can’t you tell me what’s bothering you? Please, darling…” Nicole tossed her long, blond hair back. It just touched the shoulders of the soft-pink silk suit that graced her slender five-feet-nine-inch frame. With high...Read more
Sanctuary of the Chosen
I have been to Israel twice….Both times, it was with groups that had booked with a reputable company that handled the many details involved with travel by air and ground. Hotels and two meals a day were also arranged in our package. They checked our passports and credentials to ensure...Read more
TBC Today
Purchase the book: ( ) Free eBook: More about Israel : ( ) Ari looked at his watch. In exactly seven minutes and thirty seconds he would make a call from a certain pay phone near the Eiffel Tower to another pay phone somewhere in...Read more
Sanctuary of the Chosen
I have been hitting some events with a friend of mine recently to do some witnessing at one of the arenas in town. Remember that arenas, stadiums, etc., are great places to witness. You can hand out tracts, talk to people, or hold up signs. Great places to plant seeds...Read more
TBC Today
Dawkins really believes this stuff and pushes it with a religious fervor. He is passionately convinced that his “creator” is totally blind and must be, has no understanding (and must not) of anything, doesn’t know what’s going to happen next—in fact, doesn’t know anything and isn’t even conscious. Could anyone...Read more
TBC Today
Purchase the book: Free eBook: More about Israel : Ari had not heard from Roger since being taken from his apartment at gunpoint years ago—nor had he attempted to contact him, suspecting that his mail and phone lines were under Stasi surveillance. Then one day, the remarkable...Read more
Sanctuary of the Chosen
