April 2024 | thebereancall.org

April 2024

Flugstrategien der Kolibris

ICR.org, 1/29/24, „Flugstrategien der Kolibris“ [Auszüge]: Die Fossilienaufzeichnungen zeigen, dass Kolibris schon immer Kolibris waren. Eine solch erstaunliche Beherrschung der Luftakrobatik hätte sich niemals entwickeln können. Dr. Jeff Tomkins vom ICR hat es kurz und bündig ausgedrückt:

„Der Kolibri ist ein weiteres Tier, das den Schöpfer verherrlicht....Read more

news alert

TBC: *Dieser Abschnitt soll lediglich zeigen, welche Art von Feedback wir erhalten. Einige davon werden wir privat beantworten, unabhängig davon, ob wir mit ihren Ansichten einverstanden sind oder nicht.

Liebes TBC,

Es tut mir leid, [aber] ich habe Dallas Jenkins nie sagen hören, dass der Jesus, von dem er spricht,...Read more


Flut versus Gegenflut

Ich bin gerade von einem Besuch bei zwei meiner Enkelkinder auf Maui zurückgekehrt. Maui ist großartig, aber am meisten lächle ich immer noch über die Lektion, die ich von meiner dreijährigen Enkelin Rory über das Gebet gelernt habe. Sie ist definitiv das Aushängeschild für 1 Thessalonicher 5,17...Read more

tbc notes
How can it be the “reasonable view” to believe that an event occurred that science declares and Wald admits is impossible ? Atheism creates an irrational disconnect from truth and reality in order to maintain the rejection of God. That fact ought to be reason enough to call for a...Read more
TBC Today
More about the End Times : https://www.thebereancall.org/topic/end_times Free eBook: https://davehunt.org/collections/all-ebooks/products/global-peace-and-the-rise-of- antichrist Purchase the book: https://store.thebereancall.org/shop/product/b60682-global-peace-and-the-rise-of- antichrist -36586?search=global Our main website: www.thebereancall.org Store: store.thebereancall.org Download our app: www.thebereancall.org/app What in the world is happening? The answer may shock you. A drama so intense that the entire universe will feel its power...Read more
Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist
On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/t-mcmahon-mark-dinsmore-part-2-0 More topics on our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/topics Free eBooks: https://davehunt.org Download our app: https://www.thebereancall.org/app Follow us on Social Media: https://www.thebereancall.org/social Today we’ll be…well, we’re in our second session with Mark Dinsmore, who’s on staff here at The Berean Call. I wanted to call him our guest, but,...Read more
Search the Scriptures 24/7
(The failure of postmodernism) Buzz words like ‘meta-narrative’ and ‘discourse’ identify postmodernists. Many of the humanities faculties (arts, sociology, education, etc.) at universities push this view. It’s quite the fashion. Postmodernists deny that objective truth exists. But how can they know that their claim, ‘truth does not exist’, is true...Read more
TBC Today
In fact, the law of biogenesis is clear: life comes only from life. Pasteur’s proof has never been challenged on scientific grounds. No amount of waffling will allow atheists to escape the unpalatable conclusion that spontaneous generation of life does not and cannot occur. The only possible answer to the...Read more
TBC Today
Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the Scriptures Daily radio programs. Open your Bible and prepare...Read more
The Gospel of John
