May 2024 |

May 2024

On our website: More question and answer: Question: We have a rare difference of opinion concerning your assertion that Old Testament saints are a part of the Church resurrected at the time of the Rapture. Certainly, they are saved by faith alone in the shed blood of Christ…...Read more
question and answer
If I had to choose between Christianity and Islam , I choose Christianity every single time. It seems to me to be a fundamentally decent religion in a way that I think Islam is not… —Richard Dawkins (born 26 March 1941, British evolutionary biologist, author, long time critic of Christianity).Read more
TBC Today
Is Dawkins just confused, or is this part of another cover-up that he hasn’t told the genes about? He credits natural selection with giving us the illusion of apparent design. Then he tells us that the illusion of design is a trap from which Darwin intended to rescue us.Read more
TBC Today
More episodes: More about the Bible: Free eBook: Download our app: This is number 218 in our series of “Get Biblical Understanding.” In this session we’re reading many but certainly not all of the biblical verses that have to do with a godly deterrent. Sin has...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
In "What's the Church of England Apologizing for Now?", Chris Queen writes: “A report by something called the Oversight Group has declared that the Church should say sorry publicly, not just for profiting from the evils of slavery (through investment in the South Sea Company) but for ‘seeking to destroy...Read more
TBC Today
Listen to Dawkins again. He claims to know what the genes are up to, but he is also a bit confused, falling prey to some contradictions: “Natural selection . . . has lifted life from primeval simplicity to the dizzy heights of complexity, beauty, and apparent design that dazzle us...Read more
TBC Today
Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him. The entire Romans series...Read more
According to God's Word
But Dawkins needed genes to do a whole lot more than just be . And he didn’t even need to train them. They are devilishly clever on their own. Not only did they agree to go along with natural selection in support of that theory; they devised a clever scheme...Read more
TBC Today
On our website: More topics on our website: Free eBooks: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: Today and next week, I’ll be interviewing a young lady who’s involved in Christian ministry at the college level. Her name is Emily Rand, and she’s a...Read more
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What most people do not know is that there is no such story in the fossil record. And when not writing textbooks or appearing on television, evolutionary scientists will admit that their story of life cannot be found in the fossil record. According to the fossil record, every major family...Read more
TBC Today
