October 2024 | thebereancall.org

October 2024

The book of Leviticus contains two series of prohibitions for a precise reason. Much of Leviticus (as well as Numbers and Deuteronomy) is given over to specific prohibitions that the nation of Israel was to observe as a “special people unto me.” Whether these prohibitions concerned eating of particular foods,...Read more
Apples of Gold
Much of today’s music that passes for worship is sorely lacking in the fear of God. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever." — Psalm:111:10 The fear of the LORD is the...Read more
Apples of Gold
Atheists who try to hide behind doubletalk about “the slow, step-wise process of prebiotic synthesis “are, first of all, deluding themselves, then others. The entire DNA manual of intricate instructions would have to be conceived and written down in words before anything living could exist. This is before the atheists’...Read more
TBC Today
How Accurate Is the King James Bible (KJV) 400 Years Later? The first thing that we can say about the King James Bible is that it is an amalgamation of the English translations that had preceded it in the sixteenth century. The tradition started with Tyndale and then proceeded through...Read more
TBC Today
To imply that we are not to judge teachings, movements, and doctrines is to be disobedient to the clear scriptural admonition of the Lord. He has called each one of us to be a judge ( Matthew:7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. See All... –5; 1 Corinthians:5:12 For...Read more
Apples of Gold
Often, evolutionists don’t refute the actual creationist position but instead refute a silly position held by virtually no-one. This fallacy is often called ‘knocking down a straw man.’ A related fallacy, ‘weak man’, refutes an argument made by less informed people but long ago rejected by the leading proponents. For...Read more
TBC Today
Often, evolutionists don’t refute the actual creationist position but instead refute a silly position held by virtually no-one. This fallacy is often called ‘knocking down a straw man.’ A related fallacy, ‘weak man’, refutes an argument made by less informed people but long ago rejected by the leading proponents. For...Read more
TBC Today
Few organizations or movements set out to deceive, but without the kind of attention to careful dividing of the full counsel of God, and true Bereanship on the part of actual or potential individual believers, it can happen. And this can happen to an individual believer as well, whether he...Read more
Apples of Gold
Progressing just fine? Really. The author seemingly forgets five elementary and undeniable facts: 1) The molecular composition of even the smallest submicroscopic living things is so incredibly complex that merely to assemble the right molecules in the correct order by chance (yes, chance is all there is before “natural selection”...Read more
TBC Today
For [four] centuries the Authorized, or King James, Version has been the Bible of the English-speaking world. Its simple, majestic Anglo-Saxon tongue, its clear, sparkling style, its directness and force of utterance have made it the model in language, style, dignity of some of the choicest writers for the last...Read more
TBC Today
