December 2024 |

December 2024

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Liebes TBC

Ich bin kürzlich aus einer dominionistischen Kirche ausgetreten. Sie haben die Punkte sehr gut beschrieben: Sie erwarten nicht die...Read more



Hat das Ergebnis Ihre HOFFNUNG verändert?Read more

tbc notes
Recent data suggests a significant rise in “spiritual but not religious” Americans. In 2018, Ross Douthat wrote about the rise of modern paganism . He noted some forms of modern paganism “offer ritual and observance, augury and prayer,”and other practices that “promise health and well-being and good fortune.” One such...Read more
TBC Today
Stress can be caused by many things. You may have taken on more than you can adequately handle, you may be in a bad work situation, or there could be tensions at home. If you truly put yourself in God’s hands and trust Him to guide you, He will show...Read more
Apples of Gold
Among these brilliant theist thinkers were the following: Louis Aggasiz, founder of glacial science ; Sir Francis Bacon, who established the scientific method of inquiry based on experimentation and inductive reasoning; Sir Charles Bell, first to extensively map the brain and nervous system; Robert Boyle, founder of “Boyle’s Law” for...Read more
TBC Today
The only biblical base for being “slain in the spirit” is Ananias and Sapphira, who were killed by the Spirit because of their sin, and the Apostle John, who fell at the feet of Jesus as dead. A study of Scripture indicates that those under God’s judgment fall backward (...Read more
Apples of Gold
A Return to Biblical Christianity—Part One Excerpted from Beyond Seduction * by Dave Hunt It is the task of Christians, so we are told, to take dominion back from Satan and (as the rightful gods of this world, according to some) to restore planet Earth to the beautiful paradise that...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
How to Freeze a Turtle, 8/27/24, “How to Freeze a Turtle” [Excerpts]: After mid-June, painted turtles begin to lay their eggs. Each nest holds from seven to nine eggs. Some females will make two nests. The eggs are buried, safely out of sight of predators, and the mother turtle...Read more
news alert
“Be Still, My Soul” Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side; bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide; in every change He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul; thy best, thy heav'nly Friend through thorny ways leads...Read more
