1 Timothy 4:6 | thebereancall.org

1 Timothy 4:6

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Caldwell, Idaho

God revealed to me in 1988, at the age of 27, that I was a sinner, destined for an eternity separated from Him. I cried out to Him to save me and asked Jesus Christ to be Lord of my life. The next few years were difficult, trying to turn from a life without God's guidance. I was given a publication in 1992 from Midnight Call Ministries, Arno Froese, and the following year a book by Dave Hunt. Shortly thereafter I started receiving the The Midnight Call and The Berean Call, every month. I am convinced that if it were not for the ministries of these two men, I could possibly be involved in the apostasy that has taken over the church in these last moments of the Church Age. I have prayed for wisdom, discernment, and God's Truth every day, and God has faithfully led me out of denominations that strayed from the Truth of His Word. I include the many others in these two ministries, that may not get the recognition that Arno and Dave have as being my mentors. I owe a debt of gratitude for the commitment that they have made to stand firm in the Faith and boldly proclaim the Truth of God's inerrant Word no matter how fierce the opposition has been. I had the honor of meeting Dave and Tom at a conference a few years back. I am grateful that those of us that have a love of the Truth have been allowed by the Grace of God, to be taught by..."a good minister of Jesus Christ."
