In appreciation |

In appreciation

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I would like to thank Dave for what he has contributed to my life and that of my family. I first became acquainted with the Berean Call in the early 1990's, just when I was going through a time of spiritual uncertainty and depression. The BC newsletter, Dave's books, and especially the prophecy conferences were a tremendous help to me during those difficult years. Dave's teaching was very formative in my spiritual life and he taught me the need for constant scrutiny and discernment. The Berean outlook is essential to a healthy Christian life. I, together with my wife and a small group of brothers & sisters, would look forward with anticipation and excitement to hearing Dave speak at the prophecy conferences in Niagara Falls, Ontario. God, working through Dave and the BC, got us through those difficult times. I read widely, and although I have learned much from many Christian writers and ministries, I must say that I feel that Dave and Ruth Hunt have helped me and my family in a special and personal way that we have not experienced from anyone else. When my wife and I would prepare for a trip or vacation, among the first items packed would be the Dave Hunt tapes. We would listen to these while driving here at home and abroad. Whenever I think back to those blessed times during the earlier part of our marriage, I remember, together with the joy of the kids when they were still little, the times of growing in the Lord through the teaching of Dave. All these recollections are wound together. We will always rejoice in Dave's memory as he is a permanent part of our lives. We look forward to meeting him again in a place of no tears and perpetual joy and praise of the Lord, of which this time is but a shadow. Thank-you Dave, blessed teacher and friend.
