Backpacker, author, speaker extraordinaire |

Backpacker, author, speaker extraordinaire

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Santa Clarita, CA

It was bittersweet to hear about Dave's graduation to heaven; bitter to think we will no longer have his wit, humor and godly intelligence to interact with, but sweet to think of him finally enjoying the glories of heaven he so often wrote about and spoke of. I had the opportunity to go backpacking with Dave in the Sierras six times, between 1982 and 1989, when he was in his late fifties and early sixties. His strength and endurance at nearly double my age were incredible. He and Jon would take off with bigger packs than mine and I couldn't keep up with them. He would read from C. S. Lewis or from manuscripts of his upcoming books at rest stops or around the campfire. Those were great days. My photos of those trips are favorite memories. I also attended a couple of his home Bible studies. As leader of the Bible-Science Association, invited him to speak to a large audience. I introduced him as a "Jeremiah for this generation" -- a mantle he took on with honor, because that is what he was. I've read many of his books. Each was a gold mine of well-referenced and well-thought-out material. His confidence in the truth of the Bible gave him tremendous courage to combat error wherever it was found. But in person, he was always gracious, smiling, and non-judgmental. He knew how to confront the sin without attacking the sinner. He once encouraged me as a writer, saying I had the gift and should use it for the Lord. That encouragement led to a website ministry, something that the Lord has blessed, though not with near Dave's immense following. To Ruth and Jon, I pray for encouragement in your sorrow, knowing that Dave is with Jesus, rejoicing in experiencing what he so often wrote about from the Scriptures. Knowing we will see him again (those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus), we can carry on his influence to a needy world by making sure his legacy expands for those who did not have the joy of knowing him in person.
