Now, Contending for the Faith. In this regular feature Dave and Tom address questions from listeners and readers of The Berean Call. Here’s this week’s question: “Dear Dave and T.A., I enjoy listening to your program because you present some information that I rarely if ever hear. What you have been saying about Islam is hardly common knowledge and certainly not presented through the mainstream news media. But then again, I wonder if you sometimes push the envelope a bit to promote your case, telling us things you can’t really document. For example, you say that no Jew is allowed in Saudi Arabia and the only exceptions would be a U.S. Government leader such as Henry Kissinger. But what about all of our Jewish servicemen during the Gulf War. I can’t believe that they were not allowed into Saudi Arabia. What do you say to that?
Tom: Dave, that’s a good question. Certainly, when we say some things, if we’re not able to back it up or to document it, I don’t care whether it’s from Scripture or books that we think have a really interesting perspective on something, we want to go beyond just what people say and get to the heart of it.
Now, with regard to this question—you know, the internet is amazing [chuckling]. I think it will be the bane of our existence, but it also has some…there are some opportunities that we’ve never had before. You can almost take any question and find research almost to the nth degree. And I know there are a lot of flaky websites out there, but there are some that are just excellent.
Well, in view of this question, I went to a website and this is what I found. This is a testimony of a soldier who is Jewish, and he was in the Gulf War, he writes: “I had been an Army captain and a helicopter maintenance test pilot for a decade and received notice that I would be transferred to the first cavalry division, which was on alert for the Persian Gulf War. Consequently, I also got wind of the defense department “dog tag dilemma,” vis-à-vis, Jewish personnel. Then, as now, Jews were forbidden by Saudi law to enter the country, but our Secretary of Defense flat out told the king of Saudi Arabia: ‘We have Jews in our military. They’ve trained with their units and they are going. Blink and look the other way!”
With Kuwait occupied, and the Iraqis at his border, King Fahd said the practical thing. We shipped out but there was still the issue of classification. Normally, the dog tags of Jewish servicemen are imprinted with the word, “Jewish,” but Defense, fearing that this would put Jewish soldiers at further risk should they be captured on Iraqi soil, substituted the classification, “Protestant B,” on the tags. I didn’t like the whole idea of classifying Jews as Protestant anything, and so I decided to leave my dog tag alone. I figured if I was captured it was in God’s hands.
Dave: Well, Tom, this is a verification from a man, you know. This is a practical matter, but we can go back to the beginning. Muhammad killed every Jew in the Arabian Peninsula, and it is the law: no Jew is allowed. In fact, Muhammad said, “Only one religion is allowed in Arabia.” And that’s why to this day, if a Muslim converts to any other faith, it’s off with his head! Muhammad said, “Whoever relinquishes his faith, kill him!”
Tom: Now, Dave, you’re not just talking about the 7th century. This is happening today everywhere that Islam has the power to do it.
Dave: Exactly. Islam must take over the world, and, ultimately, nowhere in the world would a Jew be allowed. In fact, Muhammad said, “The last day…” (we’ve quoted this before, but let’s quote it again, it’s so shocking). Muhammad said: “The last day will not come until the Muslims confront the Jews and the Muslims destroy them, and even the rocks and the trees will cry out: ‘Muslim, there’s a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!’”
Now, the last day for a Muslim—that’s one of the five pillars of the faith you must believe in—and the last day is the day of judgment, when the good deeds will be weighed against the bad. So, consider how important this is. The last day, when your good deeds are weighed against the bad to determine whether you will get to paradise or not, that day can’t come…and whether you will be resurrected into paradise…that day cannot come until every Jew on the face of this earth has been killed. Now, that’s pretty serious stuff! This is Islam! This is what Islam is. So don’t say that these people are fanatics out there—the suicide bombers and so forth. They are true Muslims, and if you want to know what it would be like in the world if Islam took over the world (which they must—Muhammad said, “Allah has commanded me to fight against all people until all people confess there is no God but Allah, Mohammed is his prophet) then just go to Saudi Arabia if you want to know what it would be like in the world.
What’s it like? Well, you must be a Muslim to be a citizen of Saudi Arabia. This is when Islam has the power, it will enforce this. If they could take over the United States, they would enforce this. You would have to be a Muslim to be a citizen anywhere in the world, okay? No Jew can enter. Yes, every Jew must be killed in the world before the last day can come.
Tom: Now, Dave—we only have about a minute left—but how does a moderate, if there is such a thing, and many claim to be moderate Muslims, how do they deal with these issues?
Dave: Well, they are not true to Islam. They are trying to change Islam. You can’t change Islam. You want to change Islam, okay, then let’s change Islam, but you’re going to have to change the Qur’an, you’re going to have to change Muhammad—you can no longer honor Muhammad as the prophet and the founder of Islam because Muhammad, this is what he did, this is how he started out. He killed people, he attacked caravans, he attacked villages, and this was what Islam did. This is how Islam was spread. It was spread by the sword all over the world. They killed millions, and I mean millions, in spreading Islam from France to China. Now, are you going to change the whole thing and say, “O, but Muhammad wasn’t a real Muslim? The Caliphs who did this —they weren’t real Muslims. Abu Bakr, who killed tens of thousands of Arabs because they tried to abandon Islam when Muhammad died, and he killed tens of thousands forcing Arabia back into Islam—O, he wasn’t a true Muslim!” You’re going to change the whole thing now? By what authority are you going to do that? Okay, let’s face the facts!