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After 3-1/2 years of bible study, i was always wondering about a 'different Jesus, different gospel & different spirit'. it just wasn't a topic that was studied in those few years. i chalked it up to the 'obvious' - hindu, buddas, snake worship, etc. my church sister put 'A Woman Rides a Beast' in my hands one day (she knew i came from a catholic background). when i read that, my eyes were opened to something i never even knew existed!! my familys religion was the 'obvious' one!! i had to go online to find out the difference between what i was studying (the KJB) and what i thought they (the RCC) were studying. when the topics and their authors were listed, i clicked on the book i knew - and there was dave hunt. okay, i said, let's hear him out. after that i went to every site, every online radio with T.A., every debate he had, articles, newletters, etc... i was amazed at this guy. i was surprised no one tried to take him out with all the TRUTH he was speaking. Gods protection was upon him every step of the way. i was so grateful to my church sister and all of Dave's writings, teachings, etc. i will always continue to know him as my mentor on earth - a very special teacher and berean brethren. love and God bless to ruth & family, joan in berean training in CT.