Confirmation of the Church Adrift |

Confirmation of the Church Adrift

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New Covenant Baptist Church, State College, Pa.

Amen! He is finally home. As a young pastor, passionately connected with the Bible, I recall the early 80's exposing the churches incremental drift into experience-driven mysticism. That in-creeping is now epidemic & systemic. Dave discerned this and blew the Trumpet of Zion to warn the church at a time when many refused to heed that horn. He was a "watchman" in the the most profound sense. Discernment being all but gone in many places, Dave was one of the first to document the drift and sound the alarms in both culture and the churches. Many preachers, otherwise fearing reprisals for speaking out were encouraged to do the same. Conceivably, whole churches were strengthened and saved. Dave broke new ground and bridged the gap between common sense and Biblical soundness at a time when relativism was corrupting American culture and 'easy-believism' was shipwrecking the evangelical culture. Reading Dave's resources was like a crash course in practical theology that eclipsed 6 years of seminary and graduate work by far. Dave's earliest newsletters and Seduction I & II (Beyond) confirmed that what I felt was happening was no mirage. He confirmed I wasn't crazy, and that it was right to sound the alarm. Now, 30+ years later, remaining sound and speaking out has come with a price I've learned to consider a "tithe" to God. Dave's writings were a continual well of fresh water, in that his best writing always pointed us back to the Word-the Living Water of the Spirit's inspiration. Dave's works (while rejected as overly-'negative' and hyper-critical at first), have proven quite prophetic. I'm grateful to Dave, T.A. & their Berean Call staff for the continual flow of solid apologetic materials that have helped millions discern between Truth and error. Dave's reward in heaven will be great, and I am grateful to have had a small part in supporting his ministry. Well done my beloved brother!! You have fought the good fight of faith and finished well. You've defended the faith, run your race and finished your course; leaving an example for us all. You will be greatly missed; but we will meet again on that golden shore.
