A report and comment on religious trends and comments being covered by the media. This week’s item is from The Boston Globe, August 25, 2007, with a headline:“Challenging the UN’s Darker Side.” The following are excerpts:“The UN will launch a series of international meetings on racism leading up to a major world conference in 2009.The so-called Durban Review Process is the follow up to the 2001 conference in South Africa that turned into a diplomatic fiasco.The lead up to Durban in 2001 was hijacked by the 57 strong organization of the Islamic Conference.A February 2001 preparatory meeting for Asian nations was held in Tehran.Israelis were excluded.The preparatory committee adopted a text singling out Israel for ethnic cleansing and a new kind of apartheid—a crime against humanity.Far worse though, were the parallel proceedings held by the non-governmental organizations.One widely distributed flyer showed a photograph of Hitler and the question “What if I had won?”The answer:There would be no Israel!Goebel’s like caricatures of Jews circulated freely. In his eyewitness account published in the Fletcher’s Account of World Affairs, Democratic Representative Tom Lantos of California, a U.S. delegate remarked that having experienced the horrors of the Holocaust first hand, ‘this was the most sickening and unabashed hate for Jews I have seen since the Nazi period.’ The final non-governmental organization statement declared Israel a racist apartheid state guilty of genocide.Islamic states are expected to introduce new accusations against the West for religious defamation; a subtext of this refrain which has made its way into UN resolutions over the past six years is that the greatest victim of September 11th was actually Islam.The party chosen to chair the entire process through 2009 indicates its seriousness of purpose: Mohmar Kadafi’s Libya all under the UN’s imprimatur.”
Dave, you listen to this and you think, now who is really stupid here?Whose really—and I mean stupid—not just ignorant of the facts or whatever.And I wonder if these Islamic states really believe this?You know, when they make up these things and lay it out for the West, do they think the West is so stupid, or are they so stupid?I don’t know.
Well Tom, I haven’t said this in a long time, but I get really angry.Ethnic cleanse—
I think you said it last week, Dave.
No, I didn’t.
I’m kidding, Dave.
A new kind of apartheid—a crime against humanity.Now, anybody out there that hasn’t read Judgment Day—you really need to get it.It will tell you the truth.From France to China, Muslim nations, (these were the followers of Mohammed) they killed millions!Historians tell you that the take over of India—they killed more than Hitler!Just in India they killed more than Hitler did throughout Europe.And these are the people that are talking about ethnic cleansing!Mohammed himself said, “You pursue the pagans where ever you find them.If they will not submit to (There is no god but Allah, Mohammed is his prophet), if they will not swear to that then you take their heads off.”Now Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.In Israel, one of the official languages is Arabic.You have Arabs, Muslims who are in the Knesset in Israel.There is more freedom in Israel—they’ve got more newspaper freedom for example, they have more Arab newspapers in Israel than throughout all the rest of the world and they have a freedom to say what they want.They can bad mouth the Israeli government.You can’t dare to do that in a Muslim country.You must be a Muslim to be a citizen of Saudi Arabia.No Jew can set foot in Saudi Arabia.Mohammed killed them all except for those who escaped.You cannot be a citizen without being a Muslim.You cannot carry a Bible on the street.You cannot build a non-Muslim place of worship.There is no freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of anything in a Muslim country.And Tom, how can they say these things with a straight face?They are such liars!Such hypocrites, that, well, it just makes me angry!
Well, and you have every right to be Dave, but the anger comes that many in the West buy this stuff. For example, I’m going over this article again—the subtext of this refrain which has made its way into UN resolutions over the past 6 years is that the greatest victim of September 11th was actually Islam.What?
These are all Muslims who did that destruction.They did it on their own.They did it in obedience to Mohammed himself, to the command of their prophet, they did it in obedience to their scriptures—there are more than 100 verses in the Qur’an about killing people in order to force them into Islam.This has been the history of Islam down through the centuries [and] it still is.Now how can they say this with a straight face and Tom, as you pointed out, what angers me the most is why anyone would believe this.No Holocaust—go to HolocaustMuseum—we’ve got the photographs, we’ve got the documentation and yet you are still trying to say no Holocaust?You’re still trying to say Israel, where they give freedom—25% of the Israeli citizens are Arabs, Muslims.You couldn’t be that—Jews are banned from Muslim countries.No Jew would dare to go into a Muslim country.
Well Dave they’re banned from this process that’s going on in the UN.
Right.There’s a scripture (if I could get through it very quickly), Numbers:23:9For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.
See All...—it says that Israel will not be counted among the nations.The United Nations, 201 (I think) of the member nations can take the rotating term on the Security Council.One nation is not allowed.I’ll give you three guesses.201 nations can take their turn on the rotating Human Rights Commission—the United Nations Human Rights Commission—the only nation in the—the only democracy in the Middle East cannot!Zimbabwe—they’ve been in this—Libya, Cuba, Sudan, where the Muslims have killed more than 2,000,000 in south Sudan, they’ve just been voted in for their 3rd consecutive membership in the Human Rights Commission and Israel, where they have some real human rights, is excluded as the Bible said they would be.