Dave always stood firm! | thebereancall.org

Dave always stood firm!

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Just heard the news about our beloved Dave. My wife and I and her brother have been praying so diligently lately. We prayed that the dear Lord would finally take him without any more suffering. Well, I see the Lord has answered our prayer.He's at last sowing all the poor man has reaped. Joyfully, Dave's with our Jesus and receiving, not only his just rewards for all his steadfast labor but finally in the arms of our Lord ,Jesus Christ! What a fantastic blessing! We sure will miss him and his thoughts. His book," The woman rides the beast" is so Dave Hunt and his shouting out to help,not only the Catholics but to any who are deceived in other so called paths to heaven. Dave really nailed it! If anybody that is a Catholic,and reads Dave's book (The woman rides the beast) and doesn't leave this cult, they must NOT be reading what I have read. All the facts and figures are all in the book. I know for sure Jesus is saying to our dear friend, " Well done thou good and faithful servant!" As we all would say as well, well done thou good and faithful friend. Joseph Kargol Chicago,Il.