I grew up in an occult and Masonic home. God and Jesus were only cuss words there, or "the man upstairs". It was a pro-longed battle in my mind and heart to understand God the Father (my own Father was a very mean man), and "Jesus" simply was not a person or concept I could grasp. A Bible was given to me by a "Christian cult", and they could not explain Him in a way that I could understand. They told me to read the book of "John". In that old NIV, it said (John:1:18No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
See All...) "No one has seen God the Father, but GOD the only SON (my emphasis) has made Him known". Jesus is God, and I got on my knees and asked to be saved. I was 36 years old. The church I was in had no clue about the occult, what it was, or how to teach me about it. They had no knowledge that Yoga was occult. They had serious doctrinal issues of their own, and were clueless. I was studying and doing Hatha Yoga (exercise) regularly. I knew in my spirit something was wrong, but could not grasp what. My 10 year old daughter told me there was a garage sale on a neighbor's porch. She wanted to go check it out. I told her I only had a quarter (we had very little money). She said, "Let's go anyway", and we did. Going onto the porch, the first thing I saw was a stack of books for sale. (I am a reader.) Then, the top book on the stack was "The Seduction of Christianity" by Dave Hunt! My daughter could find nothing she wanted at the garage sale, and miraculously the book was only a quarter!! Reading Dave's book, it was like "the sun came out". I came out of the occult that I had hung onto, understood the evil in Yoga, started devouring scripture, and it was like an earthquake going on inside me. I am now 70, and praise our Lord for getting to hear Dave, read his books, and meet him. I was supremely blessed through Dave. One extra special blessing that came out of Dave's ministry was when you folks used to help like-minded people in the same local area, who wanted to meet others of the same beliefs, do so. I met, through your ministry, my very special dear friend (same town), and we have been very close friends since then....I think maybe 16 or 17 years now. Dave was a blessing from our Lord, and I am so grateful for him. He is with our Lord, and experiencing the truest joy. May the Lord hold Dave's family and T.A, and all the staff very closely as they deal with the shock, joy, sadness of losing this dear man. What an amazing blessing he was. I am 70 now, and 34 years ago, he was used by the Lord to transform my life. Phyllis