When I found out that Dave Hunt passed away a few days ago, I cried. I couldn't understand why I was crying because I never got the chance to meet him. But I think that was precisely the reason why. Around 2002, I picked up a copy of The Berean Call that had been laying around the house for a while. I must have been around eleven or twelve years old. I was immediately hooked. In those days, every time my dad would say, "The Berean Call's here!" when it would come in the mail, I would storm down the steps to get it. I would visit The Berean Call's website constantly, and I even remember what the website used to look like back then (the blue and white with the old icon, the brown and white one too). There were many things I loved about Dave Hunt, but I think his rock-solid faith was what captured my attention. The time that I would read the Berean Call back then was a time when I was actually a very fragile new believer. My parents were no longer in the Word Faith movement by then, and were/are very solid believers. But I struggled with condemnation, something that would often gnaw into my spirit like a knife. It was a constant battle trying to figure out whether or not I was saved, because I knew I loved Jesus, but I was very inconsistent and distracted as a young Christian. I loved not only Dave Hunt's stance against false teachers and teaching, come what may, but his faith that seemed to hold fast against everything. I loved how he would say that when he became a Christian he immediately had assurance of his salvation, and how he roused up his opposition in college by holding fast to the Word of God. His first love was always the Word of God. Growing up, I actually made up an affectionate nickname for him- "Daverie" as I used to call him. And having no grandfathers of my own (they died long before I was even born), I saw him like a spiritual grandfather. I have a few of his books and I also listened to Search the Scriptures Daily off and on, and I also look forward to listening to TBC's new radio show. I soon learned about other biblical Bible teachers and discernment folks as years went by, and I started reading BCs in my email or on the website rather than in written form, but I still loved Dave Hunt, and he always held a special place in my heart. I would look at the calendar, curious when he would come my way here in Maryland, for months and years. Except for the year 2002 when he was in Frederick, I never saw Dave Hunt come back to Maryland. The one thing I regret is that I didn't get a chance to give a big, long hug to one of my all-time favorite people in the world. I still struggle with condemnation every once in a while, but God has taught me so much and has been so merciful. I love evangelism and I want to spend the rest of my life telling people about Christ. I can't help but think, through tears, that somehow he played a role in that. I can't even imagine what Mrs. Hunt is feeling right now, and I'm so sorry that she lost so great a husband. He was so fortunate to have someone who cared for him like that. I know she'll see him again. And by faith, I know I will too. I wish The Berean Call staff all the best. And may God continue to bless T.A. with wisdom and discernment. In Christ, Becca