Barbara and I began Australia's first 'Counter-Cult' ministry, Mandate Ministries, in 1978. I began to correspond with Dave in 1985 regarding one of his writings, which from memory was, 'Death of a Guru' in Arabic. In 1986, Dave asked me about coordinating some ministry opportunities for him in Australia. He requested that it would be more of a holiday for Ruth and himself, rather than a ministry trip. He placed no financial obligation upon us at all. In fact, he used his 'Frequent Flyer Points' to enable them to travel here! We were living in Sydney at that time, but I was able to arrange for him to be interviewed live on one of the main 'religious' programs on our ABC National Radio. We convened a one-day conference, 'The First Australian Conference on Deception and Discernment', at which Dave was the keynote speaker. Dave's knowledge and insights, coupled with his teaching ability, has been a blessing to us and many thousands of others in Australia. Please offer our condolences and blessings to Ruth. Fred & Barbara