Dear Dave my brother in Christ, |

Dear Dave my brother in Christ,

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Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

I do understand how God puts people into our lives. I believe that the Holy Spirit of God has put Dave in my life. I never really understood what being led by the Spirit meant. I do now. I was heartbroken to learn of Dave's passing today 4/6/2013 while I was signing up for the newsletter. I have been watching his videos and debates for weeks/months. What a shock when I logged on to your website today. I truly feel I have lost a dear friend and a loving brother. The Lord has a plan. At a time like this it makes me feel as though the enemy is winning. I know better because of Dave. The end was written from the beginning. This is not about me. Because of Dave's unique ability to shine the light of truth on the darkness of the evils of this world, I actually DO believe in God and his plan for salvation. I feel forever indebted to the love he has shown to all of God's children who through the providence of God, souls have been saved. Dave, you have forever changed my life. I have been struggling with the Catholic faith I was taught as a child. I need to help shine the light of truth on a world that seems to grow darker each day. There really is no other purpose in my life that I feel is more important than to glorify God and spread the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whatever role His Spirit leads me. Thank you Jesus for your servant Dave and all who serve the Lord. May our heavenly Father comfort and bless Dave's family and all those who feel deep sorrow for the loss of our brother Dave. And may He continue to bless this ministry in the work of bringing souls back to the Lord. Sincerely, Jodi Martin
