Now Religion in the News, a report and comment on religious trends and events comments being covered by the media.This week’s item is from World Net Daily, August 25, 2008, with a headline:Condi pulls a Solomon, Split Jerusalem in Two, the following are excerpts:Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been pressing Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem by offering the Palestinians a state in Israel’s Capitol City as well as in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to top diplomatic sources involved in the talks.The Israeli team led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, has been negotiating the division of Jerusalem despite claims to the contrary, but would rather conclude an agreement on paper by the end of the year that would give the Palestinians a state in the West Bank, Gaza and some Israeli territory leaving conclusions on Jerusalem for a later date, the informed diplomatic sources told WND.Rice, the sources said, has asked the Israeli leaders to bend to what the US refers to as a compromise position, concluding an Israeli/Palestinian agreement by the end of the year that guarantees sections of Jerusalem to the Palestinians.But Israel would not be required to withdraw from Jerusalem for period of 1 to 5 years.Any Israeli/Palestinian paper agreement is to finalize a process that began at last November’s US-backed Annapolis Conference which seeks to create a Palestinian state, at least on paper, before Bush leaves office.One Palestinian negotiator, speaking to WND, described as “crazy” the intensity and frequency of Israeli/Palestinian talks.The negotiator said Jerusalem is being discussed by both sides and that the two teams are closer than ever on coming to an agreement on the status of the city.
Dave, this does not bode well, I don’t believe.
Well, Tom, obviously the Palestinians, so called, and I’m just going to recommend again, everybody out there needs to read, Judgment Day.We explain it so thoroughly.Palestinians?We’re a descendant from the original Palestinians?Go back and read Genesis chapter 12.God gave a land to Abraham and his descendants.Palestine?There is no such place!He brought them to Canaan, and God clearly says itmany times:“The land of Canaan, all the way from the River of Egypt unto the great River Euphrates, that I am giving to you and to your seed!”All right, Palestinians?Well, we’re descended from the original Palestinians?Well, Ishmael’s mother was Egyptian, his father was Chaldean, so you’ve got an Egyptian mother and a Chaldean father, and when they arrive in a land called Canaan, there’snot a Palestinian in sight, it’s filled with Canaanites.This is a total fraud, but now God says, The land is mine!Leviticus chapter 25, and verse 23 I think, I don’t have my Bible right here in front of me, The land is mine, it’snot to be sold, it’snot to be traded.And Israelhas been under pressure from the United States, Condoleezza Rice does not even believe that Israel has the right to be there, she’s of what we call Replacement Theology, this is what she believes.Israel has been replaced by the church, has no right to be over there, and so forth.But anyway, this will bring the wrath of God.And the tragedy is that Israel—well, most of them don’t believe this anyway, they don’t believe that this land belongs to them, that God really promised it to them.But they are giving this to a—well, Tom, I get really angry, and I’ll try to calm down here.What is the point? How many times have the so-called Palestinians made a promise, signed a document, Arafat signed so many documents, they weren’t worth the ink.And his signature—lies, lies, they have and they have said it very clearly, they have one intention and that is to destroy Israel!Peace for us, I’m quoting Arafat, and I am quoting so many documents, Peace for us is the destruction of Israel!They believe that every square foot of that land belongs to them, that Allah has promised it to them.And now So long as Israel has control of one square meter of that land, it is an affront to Islam. It says Islam is a false religion; Allah is a false god; Mohammad is a false prophet— They must destroy Israel, it’s that simple! And you’re going to sign more papers trying to divide this up in violation of what God has said, and in violation of common sense, and in the face of the hundreds, thousands of times the so-called Palestinians have said—it’s right in the Palestinian charter, we have one purpose and that is, we will destroy Israel.And let’s take it a step further, Muhammad said:The last day will not come until the Muslims confront the Jews and the Muslims destroy them—every Jew on this earth must be destroyed before any Muslim can be resurrected from the grave, it’s that simple, it’s in their documents.Now what are we negotiating about, and signing new documents about?It’s going to bring the wrath of God.
And Dave, to think that this developed out of the conference at Annapolis where the Naval Academy is, that Bush is pushing this before he leaves office.That’s sad, that’s tragic.
Well, Bush wants to leave a big accomplishment:Look, he brought peace! Like Clinton brought peace, like Carter brought peace, so-called.He wants to leave this as his legacy, andhe claims to be a Christian!Does he have Christian advisors?Does he know what the Bible says?The problem is, Tom, we don’t go by that ancient book anymore, I mean, that’s way back there.You had better know that the Bible is true, from Genesis to Revelation, when God says it, He means it, and the wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind, and God will have the last say.But Bush is not helping this out by his Road Map to Peace.It’s a tragedy!If he would only believe God, if he would only believe the Bible, then he would have God on his side, but then unfortunately, the Israeli’s don’t even believe God.