Equipped through Dave's Ministry | thebereancall.org

Equipped through Dave's Ministry

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Saco, Maine

Beloved in Christ ~ I pray God's comfort and encouragement to all of Dave's loved ones; at the same time I rejoice with you all at the home-going of The Lord's faithful servant, Dave Hunt. I was saved out of the heresy of Roman Catholicism in 1994 at the age of 39. The Lord was faithful in answering my prayer to lead me to discerning ministries that spoke only God's truth and weren't afraid to name the names of those who were deceiving and leading the sheep astray. No surprise that Dave's ministry, The Berean Call, was one of the very first I was led to. I look back over 19 years and say THANK GOD for the faithful ministry of Dave Hunt through his website, emails, written newsletters, books i.e. What Love is This and Judgement Day (which was purposely left in the employee's staff lounge and picked up immediately by a co-worker Praise God), as well as his on line radio teaching ministry and DVD A woman Rides The Beast. Thank you, Dave & family, for your servant hearts in helping to equip the saints and evangelize the lost! I look forward to meeting you in the presence of our Wonderful Lord & Savior Jesus Christ soon and very soon! Maranatha! <><